More Parents Paying For Their Kids’ MBAs


One Liners:


The Essay That Got Me Into Wharton

Source: Linkedin

An Open Letter to Wall Street Recruiters: What Junior Bankers Really Want

Source: Vault

The Skills You’ll Need to be a CEO in 2039

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

China Attracts a Growing Slice of the Global MBA Sector


Source: Financial Times

Can a Low GPA Hurt Your Admissions Chances?


Source: Find MBA

The Demand for Specialties Grows


Source: Financial Post

Top 10 MBA Videos of the Academic Year


Source: Financial TImes

Bringing Outside Disciplines Into the MBA


Source: Financial Post

3 Tips for Writing a Stellar MBA Application Essay

Source: Business Insider

The Case for a Tech-Based MBA in Asia


Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

Indian Case Studies in Demand

Source: Economic Times

6 Ways to Stay Calm When You’re Stressed From Studying

Source: Beat the GMAT

MBA Humor


Top Ten Things You’ll Never Hear from your Consultant

1. You’re right; we’re billing way too much for this.

2. Bet you I can go a week without saying “synergy” or “value-added”.

3. How about paying us based on the success of the project?

4. This whole strategy is based on a Harvard business case I read.

5. Actually, the only difference is that we charge more than they do.

6. I don’t know enough to speak intelligently about that.

7. Implementation? I only care about writing long reports.

8. I can’t take the credit. It was Ed in your marketing department.

9. The problem is, you have too much work for too few people.

10. Everything looks okay to me. You really don’t need me.

Source: Now That is Funny

Tweets of the Week:


Nathan Bradley ‏@BenefitsNate

Not replying to all should be taught on the first day of business school.

Caroline Russell ‏@ghostofcaroline

I can get into Mays Business School… but I can’t cook a box of grain.

Stewie Griffin ‏@tbhstew

I bet most of business school is spent teaching students how to confidently swivel in big leather chairs.

Rebekah Montgomery ‏@becksondeck

Lost in the business school. #feelinglikeafreshman #engineeringprobs

The Analyst ‏@thelastgeog

If you’re reading Business Insider in business school I’m just going to assume you’re on academic probation.