Meet Warrington’s MBA Class of 2017

Gauri Tambe Florida

Gauri Tambe

University of Florida, Warrington College of Business

Hometown: Pune, India

Undergraduate School and Major: University of Pune (India), Bachelor of Pharmacy

Employers and Job Titles Since Graduation:

Employer: Indoco Remedies Ltd (Mumbai, India)

Job Titles: Assistant Manager: International Business, Executive – International Business, Jr. Executive- International Business, Management Trainee – International Business

Where will you be interning this summer?

Pfizer, New York

What led you to choose the University of Florida for your full-time MBA?

I had done a lot of research on business schools and planned my application to UF based on where I wanted to see myself post MBA. From a professional development standpoint, UF felt like the right fit for me since the very beginning. Apart from the rankings and a well-designed curriculum, I think the biggest pull factor was the level of personalized attention from the faculty in career coaching, mentoring and counseling. UF is unbeatable in that aspect. Moreover, I wanted to be part of a program where I could build connections and form lasting relationships with my peers, who are the biggest resource contributing to the overall B-School experience. UF provides an opportunity to build on that experience owing to its small cohort size and the innumerable avenues to build valuable connections throughout the year. We are all from very diverse backgrounds, with varying levels of work experience and yet stand as excellent team.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the program so far?

From an academic perspective, I feel lot more confident of my knowledge in finance, my ability to navigate huge amounts of data and my presentation skills. As an international candidate, it’s obviously a tough battle to land an internship or job in the United States. Overcoming those initial barriers has been one of my accomplishments in the program, which in turn speaks a lot about the contribution from UF to my development as a professional in the past year.

What advice do you have for applicants in applying to a school, taking the GMAT, writing essays, doing admission interviews, and getting recommenders to write letters on your behalf?

Application Doing a good amount of research on your target business schools is very important. I’d say the business school application is very much analogous to an actual job application. As you cannot walk in to an interview without knowing about the company and the position, it’s just the same with business school. It’s important to define your priorities and expectations from the school before your application. Speaking with current students and alumni is helpful in getting feedback about the school’s academic environment and its placement success in your target industry.

GMAT/Admissions: While the GMAT is one of the major decision factors in your admission there’s a lot more to prove in your candidacy as an applicant. Start planning at least a year in advance and invest sufficient amount of time and thought in your application essays. A business school wants to see your ability to prove success in the program as a future business leader. The GMAT is obviously mathematical indicator of your intellect, but your essays/interviews are a unique opportunity for you to impress upon and connect with the business school committee. It is also important to illustrate the value addition you provide to the program. Speaking about your accomplishments and discussing your application with people who know you (family/friends) are great head starts for you to get to know yourself better and elaborate on your experiences. It’s important to be honest in your application.

Recommendation Letters. Ask for recommendations from people within your professional circle who know you well, discuss the importance of your application and give them enough time to write you the letter so that you are not rushing them close to the deadline.

What advice do you for students to help them thrive their first year of business school?

The first year is overwhelming and business school programs are, in fact, designed to make you feel overwhelmed in order to hone your ability to handle diverse situations. It’s really interesting because you are competing with people who have lot more experience than you in business or none at all, and essentially you’re playing at a level field. Apart from academics, the first year gives you a head start into the competition and is a solid platform to learn ways to build on skills and distinguish yourself. It’s extremely important to believe in yourself and stay focused on your personal and professional goals from the very beginning. There’s a lot that you can learn from your fellow classmates through their perspectives on business cases or group discussions. Enjoy the experience of meeting new people from different backgrounds, build connections and stay involved.

What would you ultimately like to achieve before you graduate?

Apart from building on domain knowledge, I want to challenge myself and improve my leadership skills over the next year. I aim to get involved in activities that will enable me to improve myself in that domain.

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