Meet Warrington’s MBA Class of 2017

Craig Schaefer Florida

Craig Schaefer

University of Florida, Warrington College of Business

Hometown: Fairfax, VA

Undergraduate School and Major: United States Naval Academy – General Engineering

Employers and Job Titles Since Graduation: US Navy- Naval Submarine Officer: Division Officer on the USS Henry M. Jackson, Assistant Professor of Naval Science UF NROTC

Where will you be interning this summer?

As I’m still in the Navy, I will not be able to do an internship. I will be seeking a full-time roll next year.

What led you to choose the University of Florida for your full-time MBA?

The University of Florida has developed an outstanding MBA program that is focused on small cohort sizes that give every student the individual attention needed to succeed. This combined with one of the best returns on investment made coming to this school an easy choice.  It doesn’t hurt that it continues to climb the MBA rankings every year.

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the program so far?

I knew learning how to translate my non-traditional military background into a corporate job would be one of the most difficult tasks coming into this program. The skills and knowledge I have developed in class and from the Career Services office has made this daunting task much easier.

What advice do you have for applicants in applying to a school, taking the GMAT, writing essays, doing admission interviews, and getting recommenders to write letters on your behalf?

Taking the GMAT-The GMAT is unfortunately the biggest hurdle in the MBA application process.  You must have a high score in order to get into a respectable program. I found the key to my success was forcing myself to study every night and becoming a master of every problem. You can study your way to a much higher grade.

Writing essays – It had been four years since I had written an essay. Starting on my essays early was important so I could go through the multiple revisions that they needed.

Admissions interviews – You can and should prepare for these interviews. Most questions asked can be found on MBA interview websites. Be sure to sit down with another person and go through a mock interview. You may also want to get used to doing interviews through Skype.  Learning to smile at your computer camera can be a strange, but very important, part of an online interview.

Recommenders – Make the process of writing a recommendation as easy as possible for your recommender. The easier the process is for them the more willing they will be to help and write a good recommendation.

What advice do you for students to help them thrive their first year of business school?

It is critical to get involved with every event and function that your school is putting together.  These events reinforced the critical skills of networking and help you get used to the business culture.

What would you ultimately like to achieve before you graduate?

Before I graduate I would like to master my computer and statistical skills.  Every career function is beginning to lean heavily on the ability to use computers and understand the statistics of data. I want to ensure I have these skills before entering the workforce.