A Look at MBA Deferred Admissions Programs

George Washington University’s Business School

This B-School is Rethinking Its MBA

George Washington University’s School of Business is looking to make changes to its MBA curriculum.

The GW Hatchet reports that the school is reflecting a demand for skills after receiving input from students and faculty. According to the report, officials are looking to allow students to craft a plan that caters to their career interests, with a specific focus on more technical skills, communication skills, and experiential learning.

“Enhancements that continue to put students’ interests first are being discussed and developed by faculty who are keen on prioritizing the quality of student experience,” Dean Anuj Mehrotra tells the Hatchet.


According to the Hatchet, administrators at GW are considering ways that will make it easier for students from other schools at GW to take classes at the b-school as a way to promote diversity of thought in classrooms.

Additionally, according to the Hatchet, officials have assembled an MBA curriculum committee to help gather data and create programming.

“As we reimagine the GWSB student experience, we are building on our overall reimagination philosophy for graduate programs,” Mehrotra tells the Hatchet.


One of the requests from students and faculty is an increased focus on experiential learning opportunities for students.

Eugene Anderson, dean of the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, says experiential learning is critical to allow students to apply their classroom learnings.

“That being said, there needs to be proper balance with liberal arts and sciences, so that students can fully develop the critical thinking, interdisciplinary and social perspective and communication skills they will need to be successful both in business and as citizens in the communities in which they work,” Anderson tells the Hatchet.

Currently, GW’s School of Business offers experiential learning programs including the Mentoring and Immersion Program for Consulting and the F. David Fowler Career Center’s Consulting Community of Practice.

Sources: The GW Hatchet, GW School of Business, GWU