25 Movies MBAs Absolutely Love

The Avengers (all movies in the series) – The movie teaches lessons about leadership, strategy and the power of a diverse team. Each one of the members has their own distinct abilities and unique qualities, but it’s only when they work together as a team that they are able to deliver their best and achieve success in their mission. They make mistakes, learn from them, and come back even stronger to achieve their goals.”
Summi Sinha, Georgetown University (McDonough)

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. A little-known art film by the indie director George Lucas, The Phantom Menace is a cautionary parable on the hazards of cross-cultural miscommunication; the rise of robotics and artificial intelligence; and the influence of multigalactic corporations (MGCs) in modern society. The movie tracks the journey of two business negotiators – Obi Kenobi and Liam Neeson – as they seek to acquire land for a water park on the planet of Naboo. In a stirring early scene, we see central protagonist Jar Jar Binks provide a lecture on local property and tax regulations to the two foreigners. A little known bit of trivia is that the title – The Phantom Menace – refers to the lurking risk of an overleveraged business being subsumed by its debt burden. Truly an under-appreciated modern-day masterpiece.”
Tom Kittredge, IESE Business School

“One of my favorite movies is It’s a Wonderful Life. The main character, George Bailey, is full of ambition and wants to change the world. Following his father’s death, he agrees to take over the family’s struggling Building & Loan business. George pours out his life for his community and family with little to show for it based on the world’s standards for success. I admit I’m a bit of a sap and get emotional when I watch the end of the movie as community members rally to help George and his family in a moment of crisis. A note George receives sticks with me: “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.” No matter where I land in my career – full of wealth, struggling with a small venture, or somewhere in between – I want to remember that pouring my life out for others and the rich friendships it creates will make me a far richer man than any amount of financial wealth or professional status could offer.”
Tyler Yoder, Indiana University (Kelley)

“In Good Will Hunting, Matt Damon’s character is a genius but thinks that he is taking the high road by choosing to work in construction for the rest of his life with his best friend, played by Ben Affleck. When Affleck hears about Damon’s plans to stay in South Boston, he says about Damon achieving his potential, “You don’t owe it to yourself, you owe it to me.” Those of us on the business school path are privileged to have many opportunities going forward; Affleck’s character reminds us to do our best to take advantage of the opportunities that we have while being mindful in our decisions and actions that there are many who may not have the same opportunities.”
Franklyn Darnis, University of Virginia (Darden)

Erin Brockovich. Every time I watch the real-life story of Erin Brockovich, I am filled with a fresh dose of inspiration. Her story demonstrated to me the power of perseverance. Her ability to question the norm while keeping focus; her bold, confident yet empathetic ways of running the business; and her determination of social justice truly resonated with purposeful leadership. Interestingly, although she didn’t come from a traditional education background, she paved her own path through determination and adaptability. Although I can speak about Erin Brockovich for hours, the following three words truly describe my biggest lessons from the movie: Hustle, Evolve, Empathise.”
Sandhya Ramula, Warwick Business School

The Post. The movie was entertaining and chronicles the decision by The Washington Post and its publisher Kay Graham to publish The McNamara papers. The movie is full of moments of courage and leadership from Graham initially paralyzed by the prospect of addressing the Post’s male board members and business partners, even though she knows the ins and outs of the business far better than any of them. Finally, she led by example and showed her management team what the purpose of their business was and how it was of the utmost importance that they remember what their customers expect from them. Leaders make tough decisions and take responsibility for them, but at the same time find ways to lift people up and help them realize their potential. I would recommend this movie to everyone.
Ananya Gupta, University of Pittsburgh (Katz)

“Definitely The Inside Job. I loved this movie because it highlights how one should never be afraid to challenge when (s)he disagrees. The movie explains how the financial crisis of 2008 could have potentially been avoided if people paid attention to those who spoke up and went against the established system. This movie strengthened my belief to be tenacious, have a backbone, and express my ideas to make things right.”
Benedetta Piva, Penn State University (Smeal)

12 Angry Men (Spoiler alert): Their business was to decide the verdict in a murder case, and 11 out of the 12 jurors believed an innocent man from the slums was guilty. A few life lessons are exhibited in this movie, but the most important one is to have the courage to stand up to the majority when you know it’s the right thing to do. In this situation, groupthink was likely the clear winner, but juror number 8 had the courage to slow down the process and say, “I don’t know if he’s guilty.” This prevented the jury from returning to their normal lives, including one juror who had tickets to the Yankees game. It was vital for everyone to share their ideas and then analyze all the facts to find the enormous amount of reasonable doubt in a case that at first glance looked like a no brainer. I also appreciate the psychological components and leadership traits in this movie.”
David Thomas, Emory University (Goizueta)

Ratatouille. In the movie, a high-end French restaurant is transformed thanks to a rat. The famous phrase is “anyone can cook.” Similarly, anyone with an inspired idea can create a business or change one. Too often, opportunities and resources are provided only for those from specific paths in life (think schools, job titles, geographies) while ignoring or discounting others. Part of the goal of impact investing is to democratize opportunity by finding and funding the next business solutions. These cannot and will not come from just a small group of people or industries, they can come from anywhere, especially from places we don’t normally look for entrepreneurs.
Nathan Stevens, University of Michigan (Ross)

Barbershop. The story highlights what happens when employees are not prepared to embrace change. It uncovers the difficulties that result from new leadership and the friction it can cause within the organization. Barbershop taught me the importance of understanding your target market and staying true to your business model.”
Janell Cleare, Wa+shington University (Olin)

“The Magnificent Ambersons by Orson Welles is a movie about the decline and fall of a Midwestern American business dynasty and the choices that their families are forced to make as new businesses and money arise.  The titular family’s business and arrogance are simply not prepared for such rapid business change.  It’s a provoking character study in understanding how to manage expectations to handle new innovations, that empires crumble, and that the evolving changes and capabilities of business mean that you’re never too good to fail, so be cognizant and keep perspective of the ever-changing world.”
Allison Howard, Northwestern University (Kellogg)






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