Application Tips For IESE’s MBA Class Of 2022 by: IESE Business School on March 31, 2021 | 527 Views March 31, 2021 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit Application tips are like gold-dust for the MBA candidate, as the MBA process can seem daunting. But think of it like this: applying to an MBA program is a process of you and the admissions committee getting to know each other. It takes some of the stress off if you consider it as it is: a two-way street. Also, remember you will go on a journey of self-discovery by merely applying, which means the application process could even be rewarding in itself. Take the time to reflect on your own motivations for even wanting to do so, as this will give you a lot of content to play with in the application process. Here are some application tips from IESE Business School regarding their expectations of your MBA application, aimed to make you feel more confident about making the first move. Bring Out Your Sense Of Humor Yes, really. A good application demonstrates this alongside clarity, honesty, and self-awareness. We all have anecdotes we can share about our lives and now is a good time to dig out those that present a consistent image of who you are, what you have accomplished to date, and what you want to achieve in the future. Put The Cold Hard Facts About Yourself To One Side In your essay, don’t overdo the facts and figures. We want to get to know you beyond the cold data that makes up the rest of your application. So, show your personality! Do this by asking yourself, and even friends and family members, what makes you unique. What isn’t on your CV? It might include being real-life examples of demonstrating true leadership outside the workplace. Avoid clichés and reeling off a list of accomplishments. We cannot say it too many times: don’t be afraid to be personal. Reduce matters down to three keywords: personality, motivation, and values. This is what we want to hear about. And then see this as an opportunity to master the art of being concise in transmitting these. How Do You Align With The School’s Values? How do my personal and/or professional experiences make me the right fit for IESE as opposed to anywhere else I am applying to or could apply? Here’s a reminder of IESE’s mission: to educate business leaders with a general management approach guided by a global mindset and a people-centered vision. We actively seek students who respect and embed these values. Show us how you do. This could be, for instance, by giving examples of where you went above and beyond at work, how you made a difference in your community, or some other aspect of your life inside or outside of a professional setting.