MBA Class Of 2021 Jobs: Offers Soar For Cornell Grads by: Kristy Bleizeffer on January 04, 2022 | 18,496 Views January 4, 2022 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit Johnson MBAs with the Cornell University mascot. Courtesy photo WHERE CORNELL GRADS GO TO WORK Johnson’s MBAs were recruited by a record total of 233 companies for either full-time employment or internships during the 2020–2021 academic year. Top employers included Amazon, Bain & Company, Bank of America, Deloitte, McKinsey and Company, and Citi. Financial services continues to be the preferred industry with more than a third (36%) of Johnson graduates employed. It also has the second highest average base salary of $147,396. That’s up from 34% employed in 2020 with an average base salary of $139,752. Consulting is the second most popular occupation (27%), but it has the highest salary at $148,389, which is down from $154,608 the year before. Technology rounds out the top three with 17% employed and an average base salary of $132,084. Tech salaries rose 2.7% from last year’s average base of $128,656. An overwhelming majority of Cornell grads (51%) stayed in the Northwest, earning an average base salary of $144,098. Interestingly, the southwest provided the highest base salary for 2021 grads at $147,647, but only 7% took jobs there. You can see Cornell’s full 2021 jobs report here. INTERNS SEE HIGH ACCEPTANCE, FLAT SALARIES Of the 272 Class of 2022 MBAs seeking summer internships, 99% accepted offers. The average monthly salary of $9,712 was flat compared to that of last summer’s Class of 2021 interns. U.S. work authorized salaries were slightly higher at $10,079, while non-U.S. work authorized were slightly lower at $8,930. “In addition to placements for full-time offers, we also track internship recruiting success, and our Fall 2021 internship stats are similarly excellent. That suggests continued strength and foreshadows a similarly strong 2022 Employment Report,” Nelson tells Poets&Quants. Like the 2021 graduates, financial services was the most popular industry for interns at 34%. The average monthly salary was $10,974. Consulting was a the second most popular industry at 24% with a salary of $11,638, followed by technology at 20% of interns with a monthly salary of $7,933. See all the internship data in Cornell Johnson’s employment report here. DON’T MISS: DARTMOUTH TUCK MBAS REMAIN IN HIGH DEMAND and B-SCHOOLS ACKNOWLEDGE CHALLENGES, PUT POSITIVE SHINE ON 2022 Previous PagePage 2 of 2 1 2