Meet The MBA Class of 2025: Jolie Chen, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)

Jolie Chen

China Europe International Business School

“An INTJ Leo, always open to transformation”

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Fun Fact About Yourself: I’m 28, but I have already worked for more than 10 companies in all (including part-time)

Undergraduate School and Major: Shanghai International Studies University, International Journalism

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Shanghai Soybean Technology Company, Product Marketing Manager

What has been the biggest accomplishment in your career so far?

Within 3 months after I joined the company, I created the first training camp of New Parenting that grew out of nothing and achieved 300,000 GMV in one week, which was far beyond expectations. At that time neither my colleagues nor I had the experience in the project of training camp. What’s worse, my leader asked for leave because of traffic accident. Despite limited resources, I took an active part in doing research at first, and then divided the preparation work into developing, operation and marketing. Based on this principle, I started to make plans, coordinating the cooperation between team members and seeking for support and resources from other departments. Eventually I led the team to accomplish the task that seemed impossible. This project not only brought me a promotion, but also cultivated my enterprising spirit and experience about how to start up innovative work.

When you think of CEIBS, what is the first word that comes to mind? 

International. To be more specific, it should be ‘China depth, Global breadth’. This actually is explicitly shown in CEIBS MBA course design and the student profile.

What are one or two key aspects of this program that led you to choose CEIBS, and why were they so important to you?

Besides its internationalism, the most attractive aspect of this program is the alumni resources and network, which are famous for their high quality and deep bonding. Since I am seeking a career transition, CEIBS alumni resources offer me both clear overviews and deep insights into different industries, most of which are from senior management.

What course, club, activity, or experience at CEIBS excites you the most and why?

The Singapore Market Exploration Trek. It’s a 3-day trek during which we visited 7 companies across diverse industries in Singapore, including Richemont, Reckitt, and Shopee. We formed deep connections with the hosting companies and engaged in meaningful interaction with local alumni, achievements that could not have been realized if we had traveled there alone. As the trek leader, I also gained the experience of organizing an offline networking event abroad.

What is one thing you have recently read, watched, or listened to that you would highly recommend to other prospective CEIBS MBAs? 

Applying Macro-economics by CEIBS Professor Xu Bin. Professor Xu Bin is one of the most esteemed professors at CEIBS, and the book written by him provides guidance for readers of any background to learn about how macro-economics could affect everyone’s life and how to apply the knowledge in the real world. The book is written vividly and concisely, just in the same style as Professor Xu gives his class.

What are two things you have learned being at CEIBS that have surprised you so far – one academic and one non-academic?

Academic one: the importance of value proposition taught in the Marketing Management course. After learning the Perfect Diary case, I realized that I used to learn various marketing techniques, but in some scenarios I overlooked the essence, such as how to do value proposition for a new brand. This realization prompted me to integrate the value proposition framework more systematically into my analysis of marketing trends and news.

Non-academic one: The Leadership Journey course illuminated the importance of informal networks in lateral leadership. The practical simulations provided a compelling demonstration of this concept, leaving a lasting impression on me. Initially, I recognized informal networking as essential for building relationships. However, it was through engaging in the simulation that I truly understood the high priority it deserves in leadership dynamics.

What advice would you give to help potential applicants gain admission into CEIBS MBA program?

  1. First and foremost, start to apply for the program as early as possible. Otherwise, you may lose time to do enough deep research.
  2. Reflect on your past school and career experience thoroughly to understand how you match with the program and its unique benefits to you.
  3. Try your best to reach out to CEIBS MBA Alumni to get deep insight and firsthand experience.

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