Meet The Professors Of The HEC Paris MBA

Peter Mathias Fischer

Title: Associate Professor of Marketing & Academic Director AI Stream at Creative Destruction Lab Paris

Years teaching at HEC: 1 year

Education: Undergraduate and graduate studies in Business Administration at the University of Mannheim and the University of Florida (Majors in Marketing and Accounting); PhD in Business Administration at University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

List of MBA courses you currently teach: Creative Destruction AI; AI in Business; Content Marketing; Managing Customer Value Through Marketing

I knew I wanted to be a business school professor when…

It actually was never planned but just “occurred” to me. However, experiencing a high level of self-determination during my PhD studies with the unique combination of conducting independent research, undergraduate/graduate teaching, and executive education really intrigued me.

What are you currently researching and what is the most significant discovery you’ve made from it?

First, I am interested in how firms (and society) can deal with or even overcome protectionism and national sentiment—(unfortunately) a rather relevant topic these days. We found that firms can successfully market to these segments and suppress feelings of ethnocentrism by subtle communication strategies. Second, I am interested in how we react to technology and/or AI (i.e., “Psychology of Technology”). In a current project, we investigate how Generative AI can make private and work life more meaningful.

If I weren’t a business school professor…

I most likely would have become a sports commentator, according to my wife. Following my passion for sports and music, I also would have loved to become a professional skier or musician—but lacked the necessary talent for both.

What do you think makes you stand out as a professor?

Very tough question as I had the pleasure to meet so many inspiring and passionate colleagues. Probably, this is a question for my students, colleagues, and co-authors. However, I always try to link research, undergraduate/graduate teaching, and executive teaching as much as possible because I believe that each domain benefits from the other. In addition, I do strongly believe that out-of-the-box thinking is critical and that one can primarily learn from exotic examples.

One word that describes my first time teaching:


Professor I most admire and why:

Also very tough question because there are many professors who are admirable. A person I particularly admire though is Ajay Kohli. Ajay absolutely excels in disseminating research findings that make a substantial theoretical contribution and have a high managerial relevance. In addition, he is a very likeable and down-to-earth person. The same holds true for Bernd Schmitt who, besides his work, I also admire for being non-conformist and staying true to himself.

What do you enjoy most about teaching business students?

Interestingly, I not only have been teaching business students but also artists and musicians (in the essentials of business). While I really enjoy their high level of creativity and “impartiality”, I enjoy the very proactive, structured, and ambitious mindset of business students. A joint seminar consisting of artists and managers certainly would be mutually beneficial. Lastly, in executive education, I love being challenged by them and to learn a lot from them sharing their vast experience.

What is most challenging?

Keeping everybody engaged without having some students dominating others.

In one word, describe your favorite type of student:

(S)he must meet the 7Cs: (1) Compassionate; (2) Curious; (3) Creative; (4) Communicative; (5) Cooperative, (6) Critical, and (7) Challenging (in a positive sense).

What are your hobbies?

I am passionate mountaineer and freeride skier who always is in search for the perfect powder snow with friends. (Ice-)hockey, music (playing the piano/singing), my family.

How will you spend your summer?

While many Parisians escape from the Olympics, we will be passionate spectators.

Favorite place(s) to vacation:

The Swiss (and French) Alps; Scandinavia.

Favorite book(s):

I am currently reading again “Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions.” In today’s age where technology/machines are increasingly humanized, it is (equally) interesting to explore what humans can learn from computers and machines.

What is currently your favorite movie and/or show and what is it about the film or program that you enjoy so much?

Ted Lasso. Good and entertaining content for an entire MBA course on empathetic leadership, authenticity, and teambuilding.
Les Gouttes de Dieu (Drops of God). Very entertaining and captivating series on a competition for the inheritance of the world’s greatest wine collection. In a wider context, the series is a lesson on how to achieve mastery/competence on a very specific subject and on the importance to follow your dreams and passion.

What is your favorite type of music or artist(s) and why?

I love listening to both classical music (favorite composers: Franz Liszt, Franz Schubert, and Camille Saint-Saëns) and deep house (favorite DJs/songwriters: Andhim and Kerala Dust). Why? Though being largely different, both genres help me relax the most.

If I had my way, the business school of the future would have much more of this…

Though maybe being (too) idealistic, I would envision a business school with even smaller class sizes and more time for personal reflection and development of students. For me, the ideal business school would be even more a place of public discourse and debate on how businesses can solve the most challenging societal topics such as sustainability, climate change, human-machine interaction/future work, or increasing protectionism.

In my opinion, companies, and organizations today need to do a better job at…
Fighting silo-mentality and short-termism. Too often, firms and departments are fragmented—resulting into insufficient collaboration and a lack of holistic and long-term oriented management.

I’m grateful for…
Working in such a vibrant atmosphere with bright students and colleagues that challenge me everyday, and most critically, for the continuous support of my family.