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I am a white male from Philadelphia with a background in global banking/investment management and affordable housing. I have a GMAT score of 710 with a 43Q/45V split but previously scored 47Q on two previous attempts.
Target School: Cornell Johnson
See More Profiles For: Cornell Johnson
Application Status: Open
Undergrad School: West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Undergrad Major: Finance
GPA: 3.53
GMAT: 710
Age: 27, Ethnicity: White
Extracurriculars: Gave basic finance lessons to a homeless women's shelter, and worked with a religious food insecurity foundation to help provide over 2 million pounds of food to needy families in Philadelphia.
Title: Asset Management Analyst
Industry: Banking & Finance
Company: Boutique Firm
Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 3 mos
Title: Asset Creation Analyst
Company: Global
Length of Employment: 1 yr, 11 mos
– Currently developing a nonprofit with a few others to help people in substance abuse recovery in the greater Philadelphia area (will serve as a board member). – Passed CFA Level 1 above the 90th percentile. – Helped lead investment underwriting project for affordable housing company that led to comprehensive financial reporting standards for the 50 person unit.
I would like to work at an MBB as a general industry consultant.
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