
Mr. Army Infantry Officer

About Me:

6 Years of Active Duty Army Infantry Officer Experience. I graduated top of my class, and successfully finished the career course and Ranger School. I’ve managed 151 Soldier element for 3 years, and have always been ranked top 5% on every performance review I have received. I also have had the experience of leading those same Soldiers to a foreign country and training with NATO Soldiers.


Target School: Yale

See More Profiles For: Yale

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Senior Military College

Undergrad Major: Civil Engineering

GPA: 2.83

GMAT: 730

Age: 30,  Ethnicity: Black or African American

Extracurriculars: Big Brother's Big Sister's Organization

Work History:

Title: Infantry Platoon Leader / Executive Officer

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Army

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Top 5% professionally rated officer on every profile assessment I have received – Chosen to be an aide to a General Officer in charge of procurement for a military installation (Top junior officer on installation chosen)

Post MBA Goal:

– Transition into Investment banking with the exit into Private Equity


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 40%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 40%

    Hi Mr. Army Infantry Officer, Melisa here from Stratus Admissions. Thank you for your service. Sounds like you’ve had some strong leadership with your element domestically and abroad. And that with your top performance reviews that you will secure some solid recommendations – these will both work in your favor. Your GPA gives me a bit of concern – so if there is a story behind it then you should tell it. If you look across the years, is there an upward trajectory? Having an engineering degree will put it in a slightly different light but it is still quite a bit below Yale’s 3.66. The better news is that your 730 shows you clearly have the academic aptitude to handle the course load. The …

    4 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 53%

  • 75% | 4 years ago

  • 75% | 4 years ago

  • 75% | 4 years ago

  • 50% | 4 years ago

  • 20% | 4 years ago

  • 60% | 4 years ago

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