
Mr. Cyber Guy

About Me:

Finished in the top 1% of performers at a Big 4 firm. Read an insane amount (100 books a year) on history, biographies, and business. I am not a great student or test taker. I feel like my intelligence is better demonstrated through soft skills, managing projects, negotiating, and relationships. I make and manage relationships very easily.

Looking for feedback on if I have a shot at these 3 schools. I think I may be able to get my GMAT up, but want to know if my undergrad is too low, especially after transferring in.


Target School: Duke Fuqua

Considering: Yale, Tuck

See More Profiles For: Duke Fuqua

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Top 10 Public School (Transferred in from Juco)

Undergrad Major: Business Information Systems

GPA: 3.1

GMAT: 690

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: White

Other Degree/Certification: MS in Computer Science (3.33 GPA)

School Name: Georgia Tech - OMSCS

Extracurriculars: Special Olympics Volunteer every year, and served on a team internally that promoted hiring more people on the spectrum.

Work History:

Title: Consultant (Big 4)

Industry: Consulting

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

– While not being a great student, showed grit starting at junior college and transferring to a top 10 public school. While having a lower GPA, was the top student nominee for my entire university because of my leadership and involvement.
– Eagle Scout
– Top 1% of performers at work last year.

Post MBA Goal:

MBB or Big Tech. Want to start my own company one day. Have experience in cybersecurity and computer science and want to stay on that route. Maybe start a cybersecurity consulting company one day.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 15%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 15%

    For someone who wasn’t a great student and is not a solid test taker, you have really accomplished a lot. Despite your 3.1 GPA, you was the top student nominee at your university. You’ve been an Eagle Scout. You are rated among the top 1% of performers at a Big 4 firm. Yet, you still have well-below-average stats and want to apply to three world-class, highly selective MBA programs. Duke is a good first choice because admissions there is truly holistic and the school many be able to get past those stats and admit you. I am less enthusiastic about Yale and Tuck. So here are two things I would urge you to do: 1) Not knowing if your GMAT score was on the first …

    3 years ago Read the full review
  • Admissionado | Odds Assessment: 15%

    I place odds relatively low with the current application strategy – 15% – mostly because of poor strategic positioning given the raw stats associated with your candidacy. Your MBB goals are going to be difficult given your stats. MBB recruiting at Duke is going to be looking for GMATs >720 unless you are an under represented minority and they are also going to be looking at GPAs. MBBs are even known to look at SATs (even asking for the breakout). Simply put, test scores matter to them, and you are going to have a hard time outrunning poor testing results with MBB recruiting. Given that your undergraduate GPA is low, you may also have a lower MBA GPA given these factors (that matters less at …

    3 years ago Read the full review

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The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 10%

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