
Mr. Green Energy

About Me:

Data driven consultant focusing on corporate and global real-estate decarbonization strategies. Experience with product development from prior start-up experience. I enjoy the challenges of scalable, practical solutions that are capable of moving the needle on important issues, and have used this angle to approach sustainability challenges.


Target School: London Business School

Considering: Said Business School

See More Profiles For: London Business School

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Northwestern University

Undergrad Major: Environmental Engineering

GPA: 3.1

GMAT: 710

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Ultimate Frisbee

Work History:

Title: Data Analyst

Industry: Power / Energy

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Title: Energy and Sustainability Associate

Industry: Consulting

Company: Boutique Firm

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

Secured $15MM in funding for utility-grade solar arrays in Brazil, Mexico. Led decarbonization strategy assessment for a global computer manufacturer. Successfully navigated public transit systems through the Indonesian archipelago and Borneo over two months and learned a lot along the way!

Post MBA Goal:

Short Term Career: Green Tech/Clean Energy investing Long term Career: Impact Investing


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 43%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Odds Assessment: 75%

    Hi Mr. Green Energy! This is JP, Senior Consultant at The MBA Exchange. Based on my experience with both LBS and Oxford, I believe that you can be a “shoe-in” in either program if you receive proper guidance. You’d have a great perspective to contribute to either program, and your long-term goal in impact investing will gel well with the culture of both programs. If you’d like to discuss in greater detail, just get in touch with us via The MBA Exchange website, ask to be put in touch with ‘JP’ and state that you posted your profile here. Cheerio!

    5 years ago
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 15%

    Hi Mr. Green Energy, Jen Kedrowski here, mbaMission. Thanks for posting. LBS should appreciate your global project experience, consulting and data analysis skills, and startup as well as established firm perspectives. Sustainability is a hot topic these days and your viewpoint would be valued in the classroom, though it’s also important to fully detail how and why you are passionate about this area, and demonstrate your knowledge of it, to stand out some from the group of applicants who comment on interest in or background in sustainability and clean energy. Regarding your academics, your GMAT is on par with LBS average scores, though if you are a male Indian applicant, it would be a plus if it was a touch higher, …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 40%

    Hello Mr. Green Energy, it’s Lisa Cummings of Stratus Admissions. It sounds as if you have had a successful career to date with some great wins. It won’t be hard for the committee to connect the dots and see why you need/want the degree, your current work lends itself nicely to your post degree goals. Now you need to connect the dots for them to show them why they should admit you. As others have noted, your GMAT is in line, but your GPA is a little low., thankfully it is from a very competitive school. Your international experience will help here. I’d like to hear more about your role in securing funding for the solar arrays and your work on the decarbonization …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 25%

  • 25% | 5 years ago

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