
Mr. Health Tech

About Me:

I was selected to take part in a F500 company’s leadership program where only 25 candidates were chosen. I worked in both analytics and operations during my time there. After being promoted, I transitioned into the Life Sciences industry to consult for big pharma clients. I manage a team of developers to create analytics for different clients.

Looking to apply to Stern’s Tech MBA offering and not the traditional FT program.

Note: For my low GPA, I have received an A from an accounting class I took in a community college.


See More Profiles For: NYU Stern

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Top 100 in US News

Undergrad Major: Liberal Arts

GPA: 3.0

GMAT: 730

Age: 30,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Pro Bono Consulting and ballroom dancing.

Work History:

Title: Consultant

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 3 yrs

Title: Analyst

Industry: Retail

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 2 yrs

Big Life Wins:

1. Promoted after my first year in my leadership program.
2. Given the responsibility to manage the client relationship and our internal team.

Post MBA Goal:

Become a Product Manager in the Health Tech space and leverage my new learnings to create solutions for issues specifically impacting those with no access to healthcare.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 25%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 25%

    Hi Mr. Health Tech,
    Congrats on your promotion and accelerated career growth! This is Debbie Choy from mbaMission. I think your background is a good fit for NYU’s Tech MBA program. Your GMAT score is strong and should offset your GPA. Also, if there were circumstances that affected your GPA, consider sharing them in the Optional essay so AdCom can better understand the full story. I also like that you are giving back to your community through pro bono consulting. Given your background and career goals, be sure to articulate what skills or knowledge you want to learn at NYU that will help you not only become a PM in Health Tech post-MBA, but also achieve your long-term career goals as a leader in the space …

    4 years ago Read the full review

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