
Mr. High School Teacher To EduTech

About Me:

I’ve been a high school teacher for most of my career, but I’m looking to change course. Developments in educational technology and the recent boom of innovation in applying them during the pandemic have inspired me to become a part of this industry.


Target School: Columbia

Considering: Georgetown McDonough

See More Profiles For: Columbia

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of California at Berkeley

Undergrad Major: Political Science

GPA: 3.77

GRE: 322

Age: 38,  Ethnicity: White

Other Degree/Certification: MFA

School Name: Brown University

Extracurriculars: Policy Debate | Marathon running

Work History:

Title: Teacher

Industry: Education

Company: Boutique Firm

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 8 mos

Title: Teacher

Industry: Education

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 5 yrs, 1 mos

Big Life Wins:

I have coached national championship winners in high school policy debate from two different schools in two different decades. Only a handful of people have ever achieved this. I saved my rural high school’s debate program from extinction by forming a self-sustaining nonprofit to raise funds for it.

Post MBA Goal:

I want to manage teams that develop innovative educational technology products.


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The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 75%

  • 75% | 2 years ago

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