

About Me:

A former college athlete with an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering. Work experience includes 3.5 years at a big 3 auto manufacturer with my current role being as an applications engineer for driver assist systems (semi-autonomous driving features). Received a promotion to current role after 1.5 years. Also considering part time programs such as Ross/Kellog/Booth.


Target School: Ross

Considering: Yale, Kellogg SOM, Darden

See More Profiles For: Ross

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Big Ten school known for engineering (non main campus)

Undergrad Major: Mechanical Engineering

GPA: 3.2

GMAT: 710

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: NCAA Student Athlete

Work History:

Title: Applications Engineer-Driver Assist Tech

Industry: Automotive

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 2 yrs

Big Life Wins:

Several quantifiable impacts in current job, co-inventor of patent, received athletic and academic scholarships for undergrad

Post MBA Goal:

Post MBA goal is to transition to management consulting (MBB).


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 37%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Odds Assessment: 40%

    Hi there! It’s Stephanie Horn, Master Consultant with the MBA Exchange and recent Poets and Quants “Top 10 Admissions Consultants”. We have a lot in common — I went from a technical degree, to Kellogg, to McKinsey. This is a solid path to take. You have a good GPA in a tough major, and the fact that you completed this while competing as an NCAA athlete is something the admissions committees will respect. Your GMAT is a bit below the average for Ross/Kellogg/Booth, but I assume your quant percentage is strong. Your work experience also looks good. You will need to show that during your time at the big 3 auto manufacturer, you demonstrated strong leadership, were able to set a clear strategic vision, and …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 50%

    Hi Mr. NCAA to MBA! This is Kate Richardson, Senior Admissions Consultant. Whenever I work with college athletes, I have always found it to be a positive. It shows great teamwork and early leadership, and an ability to balance competing priorities. In your case, you combined that with engineering coursework, which is well known to be demanding. While your GPA is a bit below the average at Ross, it is a strong GPA for your major. Your GMAT is also a bit below the 720 average at Ross, so that makes it hard for me to put your chances above 50%, but I think you’ve got a strong shot given the strength of your current role. On a side note, if you do apply to …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi Mr. NCAA to MBB—this is Donna Bauman, Senior MBA Admissions Counselor at Stratus Admissions—and first let me encourage you to refine deeper than just MBB. While you may end up at MBB—I can tell you as a former admissions officer there is nothing memorable or unique in this goal and you are missing an opportunity by taking the road most travelled. I love your engineering background and that you have manufacturing experience. And of course as a former college athlete you know the rich tradition of Michigan in athletics—in fact when I visited Ross a few summers ago as part of keeping current within my industry by attending the AIGAC conference (Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants), the Michigan admissions staff took us to …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 35%

  • 35% | 5 years ago

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