
Mr. PE Social Impact

About Me:

I’m a senior financial analyst at a PE social impact real estate company. It’s a very niche industry and I love it. I’m passionate about social impact, real estate, and finance. Through my experience, I have learned how affordable/workforce housing, job creation, and entrepreneurship can be realistic in low-income communities. My passion for social impact real estate stems from growing up in an inner-city low-income neighborhood, being a first-gen high school graduate, and being raised in a single-parent household.


Target School: Kellogg SOM

See More Profiles For: Kellogg SOM

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Roosevelt University

Undergrad Major: Accounting

GPA: 3.51

GMAT: Waived

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: Black or African American

Extracurriculars: Program Director of a college prep nonprofit

Work History:

Title: Senior Financial Analyst

Industry: Real Estate

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 9 mos

Title: Financial Analyst

Industry: CPG

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 11 mos

Big Life Wins:

Through my job, I implemented a social impact real estate accelerator that has helped 120+ residents learn real estate development and gain access to our loan program to acquire and rehab distressed homes within their community. Also, I started a social impact real estate company that I want to scale after b-school. Lastly, I received promotions at both companies.

Post MBA Goal:

My long term goal is to start a private equity social impact real estate firm in my hometown (Chicago). I believe b-school will allow me to make connections and obtain the resources needed to raise money for a real estate fund.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 50%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • MBA Prep School | Odds Assessment: 50%

    Hi Mr. PE Social Impact, Kristen from MBA Prep School here. You sound like a real bootstrapper, which MBA programs love! I admire how you took a cause you were personally passionate about and found a way to parlay it into your career, combining different interests into a niche industry. Although your undergraduate institution may not be as well-recognized as other applicants’, your GPA and major showcase your academic abilities. I also like that you’ve made progress toward entrepreneurial ventures, proving you are not just talk but already are putting ideas into action! I like your odds, even in this competitive round!

    5 years ago
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 50%

    Hi Mr. PE Social Impact! This is Kate Richardson, Senior Admissions Consultant. Yes, we work with many PE and finance applicants and some from real estate too, but your field is indeed a very niche industry. I think that should be a strength in this process. I love that it’s an intersection of finance and real estate and also community development. It sounds like a cause that is very near and dear to your heart, so make sure that personal passion comes through strongly. I also love that you’ve taken time to give back to others and help them achieve their college dreams. With a strong GPA in Accounting, I think you’ll be able to show academic preparedness without a GMAT score. I think you’d …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 25%

  • 50% | 5 years ago

    Hi Mr. PE Social Impact, Kristen from MBA Prep School here. You sound like a real bootstrapper, which MBA programs love! I admire how you took a cause you were personally passionate about and found a way to parlay it into your career, combining different interests into a niche industry. Although your undergraduate institution may not be as well-recognized as other applicants', your GPA and major showcase your academic abilities. I also like that you've made progress toward entrepreneurial ventures, proving you are not just talk but already are putting ideas into action! I like your odds, even in this competitive round!
  • 50% | 5 years ago

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