
Ms. Education Equality Enthusiast

About Me:

I am an education equality enthusiast who graduated from a nonpedigree institute to McK, and have had two internships at Big 4 (Only one from my college). I am targeting M7s in the USA as an International applicant.


Target School: Harvard

Considering: Columbia, Stanford GSB

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: IPU

Undergrad Major: Computer Science

GPA: 8.1/10

GRE: 330

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Teach & mentor those who are underprivileged at various NGOs like Teach For India since high school. | Created a social media network for youth during the second wave in India to help alleviate sufferings by providing healthcare, food and other needs. | Organizing events during undergrad and post undergrad to help out a boutique event curation company.

Work History:

Title: Analytics

Industry: Consulting

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 10 mos

Big Life Wins:

1. Transformed the life cycle of a staffing project which we usually work on for 6 weeks to 2 weeks to help onboard clients with a lower budget. Also other innovations in analytics targeted for onboarding clients.
2. Establishing trust: Presenting to clients as JRA + Only Junior Analyst on the team to be involved with mentoring newly hired Analysts.

Post MBA Goal:

Short term: Return to MBB but in strategy instead of analytics.
Long term: Own a boutique consulting firm targeting digital transformation to help transform the education scenario of my country, or own an analytics-driven e-commerce startup focused on accessibility and sustainability.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 10%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Emma Bond, Fortuna Admissions | Odds Assessment: 10%

    Hi there Ms. Education Equality Enthusiast! You show some interesting entrepreneurial drive in your profile via the social media network you started during the pandemic and given your involvement in TFI, you are someone who looks to have impact wherever you go. Improving education access in India via new technologies is a relatively common driver for many b-school aspirants at present (for good reason) but you’ve started out on the right foot. That said, aside from the excellent GRE score and the role with McKinsey, I’m not sure I see that much which genuinely differentiates you in terms of crafting an application to the very top schools like HBS and Stanford. The really strong evidence of leadership isn’t present (at least in your details here, …

    2 years ago Read the full review

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  • Admissionado | Odds Assessment: 10%

    Okay, so here’s the deal. As a McKinsey analyst, you are applying from a marquis employer, one which M7 schools trust to do their vetting for them. HOWEVER, AdComs know the pecking order of entry level positions at McKinsey. Applying from an analytics role from McKinsey is sort of like applying from an operations role at Goldman Sachs – both candidates will get “points” from being selected by prestigious, multinational firms and succeeding in that environment, but they’ll get less points than applicants from the same firms in front-office, client-facing roles.
    As a female in analytics with a comp sci education background from India, you come from an INSANELY competitive background. M7 schools set aside 30-40% of spots for non-US international students, and Indians are …

    2 years ago Read the full review

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The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 10%

  • 10% | 2 years ago

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