
Ms. Healthcare MBA

About Me:

Accomplished healthcare professional with 8+ years of experience across dentistry, entrepreneurship, and clinical research with a fervent passion for elevating human well-being. I immigrated to Canada in 2018 & have been working in an administrative capacity at dental offices here. I am looking forward to joining an online program.


Target School: Kenan-Flagler

Considering: USC Marshall, UCLA Anderson

See More Profiles For: Kenan-Flagler

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

Undergrad Major: Dentistry

GPA: 3.0

GMAT: Waived

Age: 34,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Organized free Dental check up and patient education camps, Provided dental treatments at charitable organisations, Trained Yoga instructor

Work History:

Title: Patient Care Co-ordinator

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Leading Dental Chain in Canada

Length of Employment: 1 yr

Title: Dental Assistant and Receptionist

Industry: Healthcare

Company: Private Dental Office

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 2 mos

Big Life Wins:

Professional wins- Have worked in a managerial capacity at one of the leading dental chains in India leading a team of 10. I am a quick study- I metamorphosed into a clinical researcher without any formal training and was promoted within 6 months to manage key responsibilities. I managed and led 4 sites (hospitals, each with a team of 5) for our research project and 2 of them were the best-performing sites. Personal wins- Successfully completed 200 hours of Yoga teacher’s training course and immigration to Canada

Post MBA Goal:

I see myself as a healthcare consultant working to improve the healthcare organizations so that optimum services can be made available to all strata of society.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 40%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 70%

    Hi, Ms. Healthcare MBA, Julie-Anne Heafey here with mbaMission. I admit, I’m possibly confused…but I *think* you are applying to the UNC Kenan-Flagler online program, correct? (I am not sure which UCLA or USC programs you are targeting so I won’t discus those here) If this is the case, I think you have a good chance if you can articulate well your how your work experience has evolved in a managerial capacity and establish a clear link to your goals. Speaking of goals, I think you’d benefit from some further refinement there. How exactly would you improve healthcare services, and what area of that would be your focus? Make sure to clarify that in your application so the …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 10%

    Hello Ms. Heathcare MBA, it’s Lisa Cummings of Stratus Admissions. First off, I hope you are able to take care of yourself in these crazy times, we do appreciate all of our healthcare workers. Before I can really give an assessment of your chances for an MBA program I’d need a lot more information. Given your 8+ years of experience you do seem better suited to an EMBA or on line program as you mention. Still, I would need to know much more about your career path and progress. Your big life wins sound impressive but I’m missing details about those roles and information on your path Additionally, I’d want to have a better sense of your undergrad coursework to be sure …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 51%

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