
Ms. Healthtech Venture

About Me:

An accidental Software Engineer at prominent Wall Street bank turn Product Manager. Using my spare time to volunteer at a healthcare non-profit, along with providing digital growth consultancy to a health-tech startup. Deeply passionate about the healthcare industry (since undergrad) and making every effort to learn more about the space. Looking to gain financial and marketing experience to emerge as a leader in this field.


See More Profiles For: Stanford GSB

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Carnegie Mellon University

Undergrad Major: Computer Engineering & Biomedical Engineering

GPA: 3.5

GMAT: 720

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Growth consultant at a health-tech startup, Volunteer at Clinton Health Access Initiative, Mentorship programs where I coach high school girls interested in STEM fields.

Work History:

Title: Product Manager

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Fortune 100

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Title: Technology Analyst

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Fortune 100

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

Successfully designed, developed, and shipped 2 products from scratch that reduced my users’ time by up to 25% in transactions totaling upwards of $ 5B. Took thought-out career decisions of transitioning from Software Engineer -> Product Owner -> Product Management. Successful side consultancy projects in digital health and volunteer @ CHAI.

Post MBA Goal:

I am looking to continue to serve the healthcare industry by furthering digital experience for the various parties in the industry. I aim to use skills learned through an MBA, my experience as a tech Product Manager along with my knowledge of health industry to launch my own venture.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 15%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • MBA Prep School | Odds Assessment: 15%

    Hi Ms. Healthtech Venture, this is Kristen from MBA Prep School. Although your career start may have been “accidental,” I love the consistent themes that you have woven through your story since then: technology, health care, and social impact. Your professional progression is fantastic and has given you the ability to be a decision-maker and have a big impact at work. It’s great that you found ways to apply that strong STEM background to your passion for the healthcare sector outside of work, both through volunteerism and your side hustle. Academically you check all the boxes with that 3.5 from CMU and double engineering majors. And your goal is realistic and nicely aligned with both your past experiences and what an MBA can provide you. …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 15%

    Ms. Healthcare Venture, there is much to like in your profile. Your profile description is crisply written in a way that tells me you are a very effective communicator, especially for a quant! A 3.5 from Carnegie Mellon in both biomedical engineering and computer engineering is nearly as impressive as your being an accidental Software Engineer at a prominent Wall Street bank who made a transition to Product Manager. Plus, your Big Life wins show that you can deliver the goods. You have not only racked up great undergraduate and employer credentials, you have actually done something meaningful and impactful. Your GMAT is 14 points below the class average at the GSB and that could be more consequential than it should be, given your quant …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 38%

  • 15% | 5 years ago

    Hi Ms. Healthtech Venture, this is Kristen from MBA Prep School. Although your career start may have been "accidental," I love the consistent themes that you have woven through your story since then: technology, health care, and social impact. Your professional progression is fantastic and has given you the ability to be a decision-maker and have a big impact at work. It's great that you found ways to apply that strong STEM background to your passion for the healthcare sector outside of work, both through volunteerism and your side hustle. Academically you check all the boxes with that 3.5 from CMU and double engineering majors. And your goal is realistic and nicely aligned with both your past experiences and what an MBA can provide you. ...
    Read the full review
  • 10% | 5 years ago

    Not sure who in the world gave you 65% odds at Stanford but that is just not possible at a school that admits a mere 6% of its applicants.
  • 65% | 5 years ago

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