The MBAs At Google, Apple & Facebook


When it comes to the top three tech firms that MBAs most want to work for today–Google, Apple and Amazon–it pays to go with brand and geography. LinkedIn data shows that the single biggest chunk of MBAs at Google comes from UC-Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, with 286 grads on the payroll. Surprisingly, given both its location in Philadelphia and its more primary focus on finance, Wharton is next, with 267 alums. Then comes Harvard Business School, with 226 MBAs, including Gretchen Howard, a 2002 alum who is director of global brand solutions and innovation.

Another shocker: Even Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management has more MBAs at Google than nearby Stanford: 170 to 162. At least, that’s what LinkedIn’s member profiles show.

After the University of Washington’s dominance in MBA employees at Amazon (there are 372 Foster grads), the University of Michigan’s Ross School shows up as a favorite. Some 177 Ross alums work for Amazon, followed by 124 from Kellogg, 120 from Wharton, and 104 from Harvard Business School. As for Apple, the only business school in triple digits is UC-Berkeley, with 129 MBAs. Harvard, with its substantially larger class sizes than Stanford, actually has more MBAs at Apple: 77 HBS grads vs. 55 GSB grads. In fact, even Texas’ McCombs and Kellogg has more alums at Apple than Stanford, 72 and 68, respectively.


Size matters–so does longevity. The single biggest tech employer of MBAs is good, old IBM in Armonk, N.Y. The company has been recruiting MBAs for so long in so many disciplines that it has thousands on the payroll. According to LinkedIn, some 361 MBAs from Harvard work for Big Blue, more than any other single tech company. IBM also has more than 200 MBAs on its payroll from each of the following schools: Wharton, Kellogg, Fuqua, Stern, Kenan-Flagler, and McCombs. It has more than 100 MBAs each from Booth, Sloan, Columbia, Johnson, Ross, Anderson, Tepper, and Goizueta.

Hewlett-Packard and Cisco Systems are also big MBA employers. HP boasts 114 Harvard Business School MBAs, including CEO Meg Whitman, a 1979 alumnus, and Executive Vice President for Human Resources Tracy Keough, a 1994 HBS alum. But there are also more than 100 MBAs from Wharton, Kellogg, and Haas at Hewlett-Packard. And at Cisco, where CEO John Chambers has an MBA from Indiana University, there’s more than 100 MBAs from Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, and Haas (see table below).

MBAs From Top 25 Schools Who Work

For The Leading Tech Companies


School Google Apple Amazon Microsoft IBM H-P Cisco Oracle
Harvard 226 77 104 186 361 114 111 74
Stanford 162 55 32 80 47 97 126 48
Chicago 72 54 76 133 149 63 73 61
Wharton 267 53 120 218 257 118 118 91
Northwestern 170 68 124 378 232 146 107 75
MIT 104 48 99 95 131 57 59 61
Columbia 98 29 68 65 188 42 37 26
Dartmouth 40 6 38 34 48 29 13 10
Duke 42 47 62 101 240 49 95 43
UC-Berkeley 286 129 73 88 72 118 242 130
Cornell 15 14 34 50 102 58 22 23
Michigan 108 42 177 165 126 99 79 40
Virginia 19 6 31 61 75 29 16 14
UCLA  112 27 56 70 116 67 77 48
New York 125 24 42 76 336 30 54 45
Carnegie 34 21 77 47 106 37 44 18
Yale 35 8 18 28 56 12 7 9
UNC 32 13 19 37 213 36 95 27
Texas 53 72 45 95 202 157 78 47
Indiana 28 35 70 75 89 53 38 45
Emory 37 10 22 25 102 20 28 18
Georgetown 27 10 13 22 85 11 12 18
Wash U 14 6 12 20 42 17 11 13
U Wash 43 18 372 889 35 54 20 29
Vanderbilt 5 11 15 16 24 22 8 3

Source: LinkedIn member profiles as of Jan. 24, 2014

(See following page for stats on MBAs at tech companies, including Intel, Dell, Facebook and Yahoo)