MBAs That Lead To The Lowest Debt


Blast from the Past:


The MBA Bump: How Much Of a Pay Increase Can You Expect?


You may have taken a vow of poverty in business school. Once you graduate, that vow is out the window.

Let’s face it: You didn’t give up two well-paying work years to simply drink beer, make friends, and learn arcane business models. Eventually, a big pay-off will be coming your way.

So how much of a pay increase can you expect (and when)? Those were two questions answered by a 2012 study from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). In their study, GMAC found that the Class of 2012 could expect a 9% bump in salary over graduates from 2011. But GMAC also reported plenty more, such as which industries were paying the best and which job search methods were yielding the best results. And they even shared which program types were seeing the highest increases in annual base salaries over a six year period. Interested in learning more? Click on the link below to see where the money is heading.

Source: Poets and Quants

Video of the Week


A Day In The Life of a London Business School Student


One Liners:


Academics Are Down on MOOCs, Business Schools Aren’t

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

How To Thrive In A Group Interview

Source: Ross Blogs

Business Schools On a Building Spree

Source: The Economist

10 Startup Ideas You Won’t Learn In Business School

Source: Business Insider

Should You Use Famous Quotes In Your MBA Application?

Source: Kaplan Test

3 Questions To Ask About Business Analytics Programs

Source: U.S. News and World Report

Why Every MBA Program Should Teach Strategic Communications

Source: Media Bistro

How to Get An MBA From Eminem

Source: Tech Crunch

How An MBA Adds Value To Your Career

Source: iDiva

MBA Humor

The Requirements Of The Job

Employer: “In this job we need someone who is responsible.”


Applicant: “I’m the one you want. On my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I was responsible.”

Source: Digital Dream Door

Tweets of the Week:

Karim Tarek ‏@KarimTarek284m

If business school were an arcade game, finance would be the boss level.