The Pioneering MBAs In The Class Of 2019

Barbara Demetrio SalgadoĀ 

Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell SC Johnson College of BusinessĀ at Cornell UniversityĀ 

Describe yourself in 15 words or less:Ā I am a happy and flexible person who appreciatesĀ learningĀ from experiences and overcoming challenges.

Hometown:Ā Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Fun Fact About Yourself:Ā DuringĀ my firstĀ hikingĀ trip,Ā IĀ was concerned about my backpack weight andĀ only packed canned tunaĀ to eat. IĀ ateĀ so much tuna forĀ breakfast, lunch,Ā and dinnerĀ thatĀ I never ateĀ canned tuna againĀ from that day on.

Undergraduate School and Major:Ā 

FundacaoĀ GetulioĀ Vargas (FGV),Ā Master in Finance

Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP),Ā Business Administration

Employers and Job Titles Since Graduation:

Itau Unibanco S.A., Senior Analyst

Itau Unibanco S.A., Analyst

Itau Unibanco S.A., Junior Analyst

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far:Ā After some time in my position,Ā I becameĀ aĀ role model and a go-toĀ person in my department. Because of that (and because of my deliverables),Ā I was recognized by the bank as a top-performing employee and wasĀ one of the very few in my department selectedĀ for a merit-based scholarshipĀ forĀ a masterĀ in finance.

Looking back on your experience, whatĀ one piece ofĀ advice would you give to future business school applicants?Ā First, I would recommend starting early to allow yourself some time to reflect on what you expect to get from the MBA experienceĀ andĀ what you intend toĀ achieveĀ in the nextĀ two, five,Ā or 10 years. Second, itā€™s essential to think aboutĀ the school: where do you want to be and which one can help you most to achieve your goals.Ā Visiting the schools and gettingĀ in touchĀ with students, alumni,Ā and staffĀ will help you to figureĀ that out and makeĀ a wiser decision.

Finally,Ā enjoy the process.Ā Itā€™s a longĀ journey, but you end up stronger and more aware of yourself and your aspirations. In addition, receiving the school offer is a great reward.

WhatĀ was the key factor thatĀ led you to choose this program for your full-time MBAĀ and why was it so important to you?Ā The key factor was Johnsonā€™s close-knit and collaborative community that made me feel part of it since my first school visitĀ ā€”Ā and I made three. Also,Ā Johnsonā€™sĀ strength in the financial industryĀ is evident, withĀ a unique and intense immersion program thatĀ will prepare me to succeed in my post-MBA career.

What wouldĀ success look like to you after your first yearĀ of business school?Ā After the first year of business school, success for me wouldā€Æ be having ā€Æbeen able to develop myself by learning the new skills required forĀ my next career step, forging new lifetime friendships,Ā and finallyā€Æ culminating in a great internship experience with a full-time return offer!