The Pioneering MBAs In The Class Of 2019

Griffin MuellerĀ 

Duke University, Fuqua School of Business

Describe yourself in 15 words or less:Ā Iā€™m an active and adventurous person who ā€œgeeks outā€Ā overĀ bothĀ system thinkingĀ and utilizing technologyĀ to drive social change.

Hometown:Ā Iā€™ve beenĀ living inĀ Durham, NCĀ for the past three years.

Fun FactĀ AboutĀ Yourself:Ā IĀ represented the USA as part of a world championship team in track and field.

Undergraduate School and Major:Ā Stanford University,Ā BAĀ American Studies, MA African Studies

Employers and Job TitlesĀ SinceĀ Graduation:Ā Health Care Consultant at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation;Ā Strategic PlanningĀ Program Manager at Cisco Systems Inc.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far:Ā It was an initiative I designed to increaseĀ CiscoĀ sales transactions in the Americas was implemented globally, driving a 47% year-to-yearĀ increase in key sales program use, which corresponded with a $5M revenue increase.

Looking back onĀ your experience, whatĀ one piece ofĀ advice would you give toĀ futureĀ business school applicants?Ā I believe that the concept of ā€œfitā€Ā is incredibly important.Ā I wrote down the characteristics of the environments where I had thrivedĀ and grown in the past, and I was really intentional about looking for those same characteristics during my school search.Ā For me,Ā campus visits wereĀ invaluable ā€“Ā they wereĀ the singleĀ factor that allowed me to differentiate between incredible business schoolsĀ and business schools where I would have an incredible experience.

WhatĀ was the key factor thatĀ led you to choose this program for your full-time MBAĀ and why was it so important to you?Ā Iā€™ll never forget when IĀ listened toĀ RubaĀ BornoĀ share her career journey at Ciscoā€™s Women for Impact Conference.Ā IĀ was incredibly inspired byĀ herĀ story, and howĀ sheĀ hadĀ becomeĀ a member ofĀ Ciscoā€™s Executive Leadership TeamĀ beforeĀ she turnedĀ 35. After connecting with her,Ā I realized that going back toĀ school would allow me to pursue a similarĀ career pathĀ and prepare me to adviseĀ C-Suite executivesĀ at an early stage in my career.

What wouldĀ success look like to you after your first yearĀ of business school?Ā Success would be finding a role that allows me to employ enterprise-wide strategic thinking to solve particularly intransigentĀ business problems that significantly impactĀ a companyā€™s performance.