The Pioneering MBAs In The Class Of 2019

AdiĀ RajapuramĀ 

UCLA, Anderson School of ManagementĀ 

Describe yourself in 15 words or less: A ā€Æphilosophical day dreamer ā€Ænavigating a pragmatic world, working to turn her passions into reality

Hometown:ā€ÆĀ Lafayette, CA

Fun FactĀ AboutĀ Yourself:Ā I can communicate in 7 languages, including Kannada, Hindi, English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese (though it has been a while since I practiced my Mandarin!)

Undergraduate School and Major: Baylor University 2013

Employers and Job TitlesĀ SinceĀ Graduation:

Oracle (fromā€Ælatestā€Ætoā€Æoldest):

License Divisional Process Lead, North and Latin America

License Subject Matter Expert, North America

Global Financial Operations License Deal Manager

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far:Ā Iā€Æam most proud of my volunteer work with the Rape Crisis Center of San Antonio to launch the ā€œStart by Believingā€ campaign, inspiring rape victimsā€Æto come forward and encouraging the community to embrace them.ā€ÆFrom designing the social media campaign toā€Ærepresenting the organization at local health fairs, I saw the direct impact my words and actions had.ā€ÆIā€Æam able to educate others,ā€Æinspiringā€Æhundreds of people to pledgeā€Ætheir support in believing sexual assault survivors.

Looking back onā€Æyour experience, whatā€Æone piece ofā€Æadvice would you give toā€ÆfutureĀ business school applicants?Ā My number one tip for business school applicants isā€Ægetā€Æto know the programs front-to-back. Limit your list to a reasonable number where you can research all of them in-depth by attendingā€Æall ofā€Æthe schoolā€™s local admissions events, talking to multiple students, and reading everything available on the website. By the time my interviews rolled around, I could tell my interviewer so much about the schoolā€™s unique programs, its resources through special on-campus academic centers, and what I wouldā€Æchange about an on-campus clubā€Æthat it felt I could have beenā€Ærepresenting the school myself!

Whatā€Æwas the key factor thatā€Æled you to choose this program for your full-time MBAā€Æand why was it so important to you?ā€Æā€ÆWhile theā€Æbeautiful weather certainly didnā€™t hurt in making my decision, I chose Anderson for its people. I wasnā€™t looking for a network of students who could help me find a job.Ā I was looking for a class of individualsā€Æwith whom I could formā€Æmyā€Æown company. I sought a group that would push me to embrace new perspectives and challenge my current beliefs in a collaborative and laid-back environment like Anderson.

What wouldā€Æsuccess look like to you after your first yearā€Æof business school?Ā I define success as change in beliefs. I hope to complete my first year pursuing new passions, refining old ideas, and embracing friendships with people I neverā€Æwould have been exposed to but for Anderson.