Meet The MBA Class of 2025: Sarmy Saad, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business

Sarmy Saad

“Syrian-born entrepreneur who fled war to thrive in Argentina, now pursuing an MBA at Scheller”

Hometown: Damascus, Syria and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Fun Fact About Yourself: I’ve lived in five countries, and I am fluent in three different languages! Oh, and I make a mean hummus.

Undergraduate School and Major: American University of Beirut, Lebanon, Mechanical Engineering

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Success Manager at Salesforce, Argentina

What has been your favorite part of Atlanta so far? What has made it such a great place to earn an MBA?

The southern hospitality. Everyone is so nice and welcoming! This adds an extra layer of warmth to the educational and professional pursuits associated with earning an MBA in such a vibrant city.

Aside from your classmates and location, what was the key part of the Scheller MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you?

What captivated me about the Scheller MBA program was the emphasis on a small class size. The intimate setting allows for meaningful connections, individualized attention from professors, and increased opportunities for active participation. I knew that a smaller class size would foster collaboration, making networking more personal and enhancing my overall MBA experience.

What course, club or activity have you enjoyed the most so far at Georgia Tech?

Oh, hands down, the best part has to be the tailgates! Students, alumni, and faculty just decked out in our school colors, cheering, playing games, and just soaking up the awesome vibe. It’s not just about sports – it’s a whole community coming together. The tailgates are all about team spirit and making connections. Plus, there’s good food, and you can’t ignore the fun outdoor activities. It’s a mix of celebration, camaraderie, and just having a blast.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far:

I would say that my biggest career accomplishment was landing a pivotal role at Salesforce, particularly as part of the Customer Success Group. Salesforce had recently launched the customer success hub in Argentina when I joined so I was one of the very few members to join the team.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far:

I participated in every social event and successfully navigated the balance between my responsibilities as a Graduate Research Assistant, academic coursework, and networking engagements. Striking this balance has not only sharpened my time management skills but has also allowed me to derive maximum value from the holistic MBA experience.

What has been your best memory as an MBA so far?

It is very hard to pick one, so I will say it’s the countless evenings spent at Cypress, our beloved local bar. The casual atmosphere provided the perfect backdrop for bonding with classmates, engaging in great conversations, and forming lasting connections. The camaraderie built during those laid-back moments not only made the academic challenges more manageable but also enriched the overall MBA experience.Bottom of Form

What advice would you give to help potential applicants gain admission into Georgia Tech Scheller’s MBA program?

Don’t be afraid to let your achievements stand out. Have a goal and highlight how Scheller’s MBA program is the gateway for you to reach that goal.


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