Meet the MBA Class of 2024: Adeyemi Adegbayi, University of Oxford (Saïd)

Adeyemi Adegbayi

University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School

“Driven by curiosity, Passionate and interested in the development of emerging markets.”

Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria

Fun Fact About Yourself: I enjoy making cocktails. My go-to is a “Lagos Island”, Lagos’ answer to the Long Island. It is flavourfully inspired by the Lagos nightlife.

Undergraduate School and Major: Babcock University, Computer Science

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: TLcom Capital LLP, Venture Capital Analyst

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of Oxford Saïd’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? I am driven by my quest to improve how much value I can add to founders, and also a keen interest to learn more about other emerging markets. I was drawn to Oxford Saïd for three key reasons: The Creative Destructive Lab, the Finance Lab, and the historically geographically diverse cohort.

What course, club, or activity has been your favorite part of the Oxford Saïd MBA experience? Finance Lab. Using real and sometimes fictional cases, John Gilligan exposed the class to how frameworks and concepts are used in deal-making at the executive level, and how approaches might differ based on the company’s context (i.e. era, growth stage, geography). We also had the opportunity to learn from industry leaders as they presented cases on transactions they led and shared their experiences and mistakes.

What is the most “Oxford” thing you have done so far as a full-time MBA student? Oxford Union debates and The Sexy SubFusc. Oxford is famous for its traditions, academics and BOPs (Big open parties). The most famous matriculation BOP is Linacre’s Sexy SubFusc, where post-grads don their subfusc (the academic robes of Oxford which put everyone in mind of Harry Potter) with subtle alterations to increase their allure.

Oxford is known as a place where worlds collide, be it in the classroom or the dining hall. What has been the most interesting interaction you’ve had so far as an Oxford MBA student? Narrowing it down to just one interaction is so tough, given the wealth of experiences and depth of conversations I have had. However, a conversation that has stuck with me is one with a classmate, Diana Chao, who is the founder of the largest global youth-focused mental health NGOs, Letters to Stragers and an Oxford MBA alum who is working on a mental health startup. This conversation gave me a crash course on the various ways depression may manifest and how to support people around me who may be experiencing depression. It was like stepping into a world where every word had the power to make a difference.

Describe the biggest accomplishment in your career so far: My biggest career accomplishment has been supporting African entrepreneurs in various markets across the continent. I believe that startups will play a crucial role in developing emerging markets, and there is no greater accomplishment for me than to help them get there.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far: As an MBA student, my biggest achievement so far has been starting the Venture Capital Club. Through it, I have sparked interest in venture capital for people who didn’t know a lot about it prior. Our club has put on two workshops that were well received by over 100 of our peers – VC 101 and Africa from an Investor’s Lens – the latter in collaboration with the Oxford Africa Business Alliance, the Oxford Guild and the Oxford Finance Business Network. Ultimately, we are highlighting a pathway to venture capital careers for those who were already curious.

What has been the biggest epiphany you’ve gained about yourself or the world since you started your MBA program? Balance is everything. Juggling coursework, projects, and personal life has underscored the importance of balance. The MBA program has pushed me to prioritize effectively, manage my time wisely, and maintain a holistic approach to life. Striking that balance is not just a skill; it’s a philosophy that extends far beyond the academic realm.