Meet the MBA Class of 2024: Farah AlZu’bi, University of Oxford (Saïd)

Farah AlZu’bi

University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School

“Jordanian coffee enthusiast, navigating business challenges with cultural insights for positive social impact and continuous growth.”

Hometown: Amman, Jordan

Fun Fact About Yourself: I have a twin sister!

Undergraduate School and Major: German Jordanian University – Industrial Engineering

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: PwC Middle East – Senior Consultant

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of Oxford Saïd’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? Key parts that led me to choose Saïd Business School (SBS) were the prospect of being part of the wider Oxford University, engaging in the collegiate experience, the Oxford Union, and navigating a business school at the nexus of impact and sustainability. This journey was not just about personal growth but about creating opportunities that resonated beyond myself and enabled me to pay it forward tenfold.

The Oxford Saïd MBA program, emphasizing impact and sustainability, aligned with my passion for responsible business leadership. I also saw an opportunity to contribute to more Arab representation (currently less than 3%), especially from Jordan. I’m proud to be the only Jordanian female in our cohort and hope to see more representation in future cohorts.

What course, club, or activity has been your favorite part of the Oxford Saïd MBA experience? There are so many activities and events happening every week at SBS and the wider Oxford University. Most courses taught at SBS are really fun and engaging! I never thought I could enjoy Management Accounting or that an accounting professor would work in Harry Potter life lessons, but she did!

Aside from courses, I am grateful to be a fellow at this year’s SDG Impact Lab. It’s a unique setting where postgraduate students from across the wider Oxford University collaborate across disciplines and harness diversity as a strength to discuss solutions for environmental and social change.

Lastly, Oxford offers societies and clubs for almost any interest. I enjoy many of the Arab Society events because it’s a space to appreciate the beauty of art and culture through different viewpoints (discussions are held in English so a more diverse audience can access).

What is the most “Oxford” thing you have done so far as a full-time MBA student? Whether it’s Matriculation at the Sheldonian Theatre; witnessing the entire city center filled with students adorned in their sub fuscs; taking a business finance exam in full dress at the Examination Schools; or engaging in lively discussions during college formals—each moment embodies the unique “Oxford” experiences that make this journey memorable.

Oxford is known as a place where worlds collide, be it in the classroom or the dining hall. What has been the most interesting interaction you’ve had so far as an Oxford MBA student? It was participating in an event at the Oxford Majlis with H.E. Husam Zumlot addressing the war on Gaza. As a Jordanian with Jordanian and Palestinian roots, it was an intense yet inspiring experience.

Describe the biggest accomplishment in your career so far: During my last role, I received the “Mountain Mover Award” for embodying company values and creating a positive impact on clients, colleagues, and the community. The acknowledgment was both a heartfelt appreciation and a motivating encouragement to keep seeking a positive impact within the workplace.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far: Although I believe the best is yet to come (given we’re still in Hilary term), I am grateful that the SBS Foundation offered me a partial scholarship – which not only was a validation of my potential and motivation but also made coming to Oxford possible.

Also, I am proud of the connections and relationships I am building at SBS and the wider Oxford University. They have helped me appreciate this experience and have challenged my thoughts. Lastly, I am currently preparing for an initiative that will discuss the societal impacts of business decisions, which I am very much looking forward to.

What has been the biggest epiphany you’ve gained about yourself or the world since you started your MBA program?

About the world: Our world is plagued by greed, inequality, and uneven power balances which makes it more important than ever to have diverse representation among business leaders, who have the courage and foresight to stand for what is right.

About myself: the MBA program is a journey of constant reflection, where you get as much as you give. Intentionality is crucial to make the most of it and minimize burning out. Setting the right goals and taking purposeful steps significantly shape the kind of experiences I encounter.