P&Q’s Must Reads: Forbes: World’s Best Management Consulting Firms 

Hello everyone  –- Welcome back to Poets&Quants’ Must Reads, a quick, digestible recap of the top business school news, sponsored by CentreCourt, P&Q’s virtual admission events.

I’m your host, Kristy Bleizeffer, and I’ll be highlighting the most important P&Q stories you might have missed. So, let’s get to it. 

No. 1: Forbes: World’s Best Management Consulting Firms  

Listen to the consultants tell it, and 2024 has been marked by some unpredictability, a lot of opportunity, and a lot of challenges. The climate crisis, economies still recovering from the pandemic, global conflicts, cyber security threats, increased supply chain demands, and a new wave of AI innovation all make planning for the years ahead a big challenge for world businesses.

That’s where Forbes’s list of the World’s Best Management Consulting Firms comes in. The list is based on three national surveys of consultants and clients in 29 countries around the world. The firms are further ranked in 13 industries and and 14 functional areas.

You can find the full list in our trending tab.

No. 2: Best & Brightest Executive MBAs Of 2024

This week, we’re proud to present one of our favorite annual honoraries of the year: The best and bright executive MBAs at the world’s top business schools. 

This year, we feature 62 EMBAs from the Class of 2024 whose academic performance, extracurricular leadership, and professional achievement made them the most invaluable members of their classes. 

You can read about each one in our collection of individual profiles, which you’ll find in our news tab.

No. 3:  Nominate The Best Undergraduate B-School Professors Of 2024

Attention undergraduate business school professors, students, and administrators: Nominations for Poets&Quants For Undergrads’ annual Best Undergraduate Business School Professors are now open. Between now and October 7, 2024, we’ll be taking nominations for professors to be considered for this year’s recognition.

You can find guidelines for this year’s recognition, as well as fill out the nomination form, on our sister site: poetsandquantsforundergrads.com.

No. 4: Our Weekly Round Up of  News You Can Use

No matter where you are in your MBA journey, we bring several helpful stories for you this week.

First up: 3 Reasons To Pursue An MBA In Europe Right Now. Find out why a European B-school should be on your short list in this story, on our homepage.

Next: How To Highlight Growth In Your MBA Application. This article explores vital success factors that will get you noticed. Find it on our homepage. 

Finally: Top Tips To Nail The New Harvard MBA Essays. Tackling the new Harvard MBA essays requires thoughtful reflection and strategic storytelling. This article looks at the first of the new Harvard MBA essays.You can find it in our admissions hub.

And, that’s it for this week’s Must Reads recap. 

I also want to alert school seekers to our events tab from our main menu. There, you’ll find all the upcoming admissions events for a range of degrees and programs including full-time and online MBAs, specialized masters, entrepreneurship and more. Registration is free.

Again, I’m Kristy Bleizeffer, and you can join me next week, right here, for a recap of what’s important in the world of business education. Thanks for listening.