
Mr. Philanthropy Chair

About Me:

Young professional with experience in a top 5 bank in FP&A and Business Development. Seeking MBA as a chance to further my career but also pursue academic excellence which was not a priority of mine during high school and undergrad due to issues in my personal life.


Target School: Yale

Considering: Kellogg SOM, Columbia

See More Profiles For: Yale

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Miami University

Undergrad Major: Finance

GPA: 3.3

GMAT: Awaiting Scores (expect 700-720)

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: Fraternity Pledge Educator & Philanthropy Chair

Work History:

Title: VP FP&A

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 1 yr

Title: Talent Rotation Program

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 3 yrs

Big Life Wins:

I have overcome a significant mental health illness and substance issues in the last few years and seen my career trajectory flourish. At work I designed and implemented a new forecasting and reporting tool that helped drive a 7% reduction in quarter over quarter expenses at the bank.

Post MBA Goal:

Short term goal is to be a consultant and broaden my experience with a variety of companies in different industries and stages of growth. I plan to leverage this experience to start a company that brings a broader set of responsible and inclusive consumer finance products to people across the globe.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 25%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 25%

    Hi Mr. Philanthropy Chair,
    This is Debbie Choy, Senior Consultant at mbaMission. It sounds like you’ve overcome a lot of challenges in your life – your resilience and grit is very admirable. These are qualities that the Admissions Committee (AdCom) seek in candidates. Equally impressive is your strong career track record in finance and leading initiatives as VP FP&A. In your application, be sure to connect the dots for AdCom – how do your past work and/or personal experiences inspire your long-term goals of inclusive finance? While your GPA is below the average at Yale, I think if your GMAT comes in within the 700-720 range, you could help alleviate potential concerns about academics. Overall, I think you have a compelling profile for Yale. I’m happy …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 25%

    Hi, it’s Jennifer Jackson from Stratus Admissions. It sounds like you’ve overcome a lot and as a result you’ll have an impressive distance traveled story. Overcoming adversity and then learning and growing from it are such rich elements for MBA essays, so I imagine your essays will be compelling. It should fit right in to Yale’s commitment essay topic. Be sure to explain WHY you want to go into consulting. So many applicants say they want to do that! Be very clear what skills you’ll gain and how you’ll take those and apply them to your longer-term goal of starting your own company. I think the idea of starting a company focused on responsible and inclusive consumer finance products will fit nicely with Yale. It’s …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 35%

  • 35% | 5 years ago

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