Essential Business MOOCs for September

Introduction to Financial Accounting


School: Wharton School of Business

Platform: Coursera

Registration Link: An Introduction to Financial Accounting

Start Date: September 5, 2014 (10 Weeks)

Workload: 6-8 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Brian Bushee

Credentials: An instructor in Wharton’s Executive Education program, Professor Bushee also teaches the Introductory Financial Accounting course in the MBA program and Wharton’s Seminar for Business Journalists. As a teacher, he has won Wharton’s Excellence in Teaching Award, along with the Helen Kardon Moss Anvil Award for being the faculty member “who has exemplified outstanding teaching quality during the last year.” Before teaching, Bushee worked in the private sector for CoreStates Financial Corporation and Coopers and Lybrand LLP.

Graded: By completing the course, students can earn a signed Statement of Accomplishment from the instructor. There is a $49 fee for a certificate. (Wharton is careful to note that completing the course does not make the participant an alumni member).

Description: This course is divided into 10 modules, which cover topics like balance sheets, income statements, cash flows, capital assets, liabilities and debt, and stockholder equity. By the end of course, students will be able to analyze financial statements and annual reports and understand how accounting standards and managerial incentives shape financial reporting processes. Although the course relies on PowerPoint slides and case study videos to share content, Professor Bushee will pause the proceedings to ask questions and facilitate short discussions. The course also includes eight homework assignments and two exams.

Review: “Very, very well done course. lectures were well presented, chock full of information, clear and relevant. despite a rather dry subject, the professor kept it interesting and even funny at times. Highly recommended!” For additional reviews of this course, click here.

Additional Note: For more accounting MOOCs, click here.