The Class Of 2016 By The Numbers

Incoming MBA students at Harvard Business School

Incoming MBA students at Harvard Business School


In terms of increase in average GMAT scores, Washington (Foster) is the top dog so far this year. They are reporting an 11-point jump from 670 to 681. North Carolina nearly matched them with a 10-point jump (from 687 to 697). The other big mover and shaker of the group is Yale with a five-point jump from 714 to 719.

The other top schools in terms of average GMAT scores are Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, also reporting an average of 719, Berkeley at 717 and Columbia at 716. Median and mean GMATs at Harvard Business School were essentially flat this year with the 730 median exactly the same as it was last year and the average just a point off, 726 for this year’s entering class vs. 727 a year ago. Stanford Graduate School of Business, the traditional GMAT leader among the most prestigious MBA programs, has yet to report its numbers. But last year Stanford’s average 732, up three points from the year before.

As the average GPA increase indicates, the GPA of this year’s class is very congruent with last year’s class. The largest improvement occurred at Yale and was an increase of .14 to a grade point average of 3.5.



2013 P&Q Rank & School                       2016 GMAT    2015 GMAT    2016 GPA    2015 GPA  
 1. Harvard 726 727 3.67 3.67
 7. Columbia 716 716 3.5 3.5
 8. Dartmouth (Tuck) 717 719 3.5 3.53
 9. Duke (Fuqua) N/A 694 N/A 3.4
 10. UC-Berkeley (Haas) 717 714 3.62 3.61
 13. Virginia (Darden) 706 706 3.5 3.44
 17. Yale School of Management 719 714 3.5 3.36
 18. UNC (Kenan-Flagler) 697 687 3.4 3.37
 19. Texas-Austin (McCombs) 690 690 3.44 3.44
 21. Emory (Goizueta) 678 681 3.3 3.4
 22. Georgetown (McDonough) 691 688 3.36 3.34
 24. Washington (Foster) 681 670 N/A 3.43
 25. Vanderbilt (Owen) 688 685 3.3 3.39