Meet the HEC Paris MBA Class Of 2019

Nicolás Vassallo 

HEC Paris 

Describe yourself in 15 words or less:  Avid reader who enjoys constant challenges. Obsessed with closing the infrastructure gap in emerging markets.

Hometown: Piura, Peru

Fun Fact About Yourself: I decided to start paragliding because I was afraid of heights. It worked, and after some potentially terrifying flights I controlled my fear and gained a hobby.

Undergraduate School and Major:  Liberal Arts and Law School, at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Per

Employers and Job Titles Since Graduation: 

  • Associate attorney at EstudioEchecopar – Baker McKenzie (Negotiation and Commercial Litigation and Arbitration Practice Group).
  • Pro bono Legal Chief of TECHO Peru.
  • Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far:  I was hired to negotiate with thousands of occupants, the handover of hundreds of hectares for the expansion of an important Latin American airport.

What became one of my main professional challenges resulted in a peaceful and very successful outcome, as well as an amazing learning experience in multiparty negotiation, compromise and cooperation involving all kinds of actors.

I am very proud of this accomplishment because of its positive impact in the people directly involved, and in the much-needed development of Latin American transport infrastructure.

Looking back on your experience, what one piece of advice would you give to future business school applicants? Be prepared and be yourself.

Prepare extensively for each step of the application process. Before even starting, have a clear idea of your ideal career path and why you are targeting a specific program, keeping in mind that the MBA is a path to achieve your personal and professional goals and not a goal on its own. Research as much as possible from your potential schools and their application procedures. Talk to everyone (students, alumni, faculty and the Admissions Office) and do a thorough preparation before the interviews.

Make sure that everything in your application reflects who you are and what you want. This is not only for moral considerations, but also because you really want to aim and join a program aligned with your profile, interests and goals.

And a more personal tip: Make an extra effort to keep doing what you love. During my application to HEC Paris, spending time with my family and friends (and occasionally scuba diving) helped me stay focused.

In the end, receiving the admitted call from your dream school will make every effort worth it!

What was the key factor that led you to choose this program for your full-time MBA and why was it so important to you?  HEC Paris is the perfect combination of values, curriculum, reputation, global network and high ROI, with vast academic and professional resources to help me achieve my short- and long-term goals. The cohort I am proud to be part of, full of unbelievably talented and accomplished individuals, is a fantastic learning pool by itself.

And one particular reason why I chose the HEC Paris MBA is the Strategy specialization (one of the 5 available specializations) with its focus on adaptability for profitable business growth through disruptive technologies and innovation.

This specialization begins after completing the Fundamental Phase, the first half of the flexible Customized Phase and the Saint-Cyr Leadership Seminar, making it a great opportunity for me to integrate and practice everything learned and refine crucial skills.

What would success look like to you after your first year of business school?  Securing a job I am passionate about, understanding I was wrong about a key business concept, and feeling that I already had a positive impact on my classmates.

A good football result at the MBA Tournament (MBAT, the inter-MBA sport event organized and hosted by HEC Paris) would not hurt either.