B-School Bulletin: Trouble For Big Tech?

The Startling Percentage Of Financial Advisors With Misconduct Records

News from Harvard Business School

“Even as President Donald Trump and Republican leaders seem set on a course to weaken Obama-administration consumer protection regulations, a soon-to-be-published study reports that 7.3% of financial advisors in the United States have been cited for abuses.

“All financial advisors are required to disclose any whiff of misbehavior to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), an independent monitoring organization regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. A research team examined those records to determine the extent of wrongdoing, especially among financial advisors.

“By examining this data in detail, they found that financial misconduct is widespread within the financial industry, with one in 12 financial advisors in the U.S. censured for abuses.”

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The Leadership Benefits Of Performance And Storytelling

News from INSEAD

Dramatic strategy moves audiences, empowers them to play a role and realigns them with a higher purpose

“The scene is set in 2002 at the San Jose Convention Centre in California where software developers have gathered for the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).

“On a darkened stage, the giant screen shows the interior of a cathedral while Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor echoes through the walls. Smoke glides across the floor. A white light overhead brightens the stage as a black coffin slowly rises from a secret trapdoor. As the music softens, the audience claps.

“Steve Jobs, in his usual black turtleneck and blue jeans, walks to the casket and opens it. The audience laughs.

“From within, he pulls out an oversized box marked ‘Mac OS 9.’ He props it against the opened lid – and the audience breaks into wild applause.”

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Kellogg School of Management’s Global Hub was the second Northwestern building to receive a LEED Platinum certification

Kellogg’s Hub Wins LEED Platinum Certification

News from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management  

“The Kellogg Global Hub is now Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design platinum-certified.

“Northwestern’s latest lakeshore glass monolith, completed December 2016, is the first new building on campus to receive the highest level of LEED certification. LEED certifications are awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council to evaluate and recognize environmentally friendly buildings for their sustainability and energy conservation.”

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IESE has four playlists on Spotify. Photo by IESE

IESE Joins Spotify, First B-School On Popular Music Streaming Service

News from IESE

“IESE has joined Spotify, becoming the first business school on the music streaming service and giving any member of the IESE community the chance to add to playlists for everyone to enjoy.

“For the moment, IESE has four playlists: ‘Time to (case) study,’ ‘Positive leaders,’ ‘Run with it!,’ and ‘The spirit of IESE.’ Students, professors, staff and alumni have contributed songs to the lists, creating a channel that’s by everyone and for everyone, and where anyone can “listen” to IESE in a dynamic and different way. Through Spotify, the more than 45,000 current and past students and participants can share their musical tastes for each moment and mood.”

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Facebook, BlackRock, And The Case For Purpose-Driven Companies

News from HBS

“Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that his platform needs to change. Community feedback has shown that public content has been ‘crowding out the personal moments that lead us to connect more with each other,’ according to Zuckerberg. As a result, the company says it will be focusing more on promoting posts from friends rather than from media outlets, thereby leading to more-meaningful social interactions.

“While the long-term consequences for users, journalists, media, friendships, Facebook itself, and the future of democracy (see: fake news) are uncertain and hard to judge, there are some lessons we can draw from the announcement.”

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