Meet Wharton’s MBA Class Of 2021

William Anthony Quadrino

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


Hometown: Staten Island, NY

Fun Fact About Yourself:  I am renovating a 1925 row home in Fitler Square while attending Wharton!

Undergraduate School and Major: Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Aeronautics

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officer

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: Having the opportunity to lead and serve in the EOD community. I was surrounded by some of the most interesting, accomplished and intelligent individuals I’ve had ever encountered in my life. I take great pride in being counted among their ranks.

What quality best describes the MBA classmates you’ve met so far and why? Genuine. The students at Wharton are incredibly diverse, energetic, and interested in learning from each other’s backgrounds. While this group is full of exceptionally successful individuals, their humility and desire to help each other continues to impress me.

Aside from your classmates, what was the key factor that led you to choose this program for your full-time MBA and why was it so important to you? The collaborative and supportive atmosphere. Applying for my MBA was a daunting experience, but the support I received from the administration and club leadership was second-to-none. Everyone I encountered at Wharton went above and beyond to ease my transition from an operational military tour to academia. Finding out that Wharton was such a tightly-knit community helped me and my family feel at home.

Talk to us about the team-based project you completed during the application process. What did you do that helped you stand out during it? I tried to have fun and bring a positive attitude to the room! I conducted my team-based discussion in Tokyo because of military requirements and was able to gel with my international teammates quickly. It truly was a team effort and I focused on supporting each of my fellow interviewees. While our group had differences of opinions, I like to think my attitude helped build a collaborative atmosphere.

What club or activity are you looking most forward to in business school? Wharton Wildmen Hockey.

What was the most challenging question you were asked during the admissions process? While preparing for interviews I was asked to give my ‘elevator pitch’… after requesting a description of what that term means exactly, I replied that I take the stairs!

What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career? The Navy is sponsoring my MBA because it recognizes how concepts from business can improve military operations. Like any large organization, its leaders require creative problem solving to tackle the United States’ toughest problems. Attending Wharton will allow me to bring the best ideas from academia and industry back to the military.

What other MBA programs did you apply to? Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, NYU

How did you determine your fit at various schools? I spoke extensively with current students and admissions officials. In addition to the academics, I prioritized looking for a group of people with whom I would want to spend the next two years. Speaking to as many people as I could at each school gave me a sense of the culture. Despite its large student body, Wharton stood out to me for its tightly-knit, student-run atmosphere. I really look forward to exploring Philadelphia with my classmates!

What was your defining moment and how did it shape who you are? The lightbulb went on when I was working in the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), collecting tons of trash off the streets of NYC. The veterans I worked with spoke of their experiences in the U.S. military and how it had shaped them into the people they had become. I decided to take an authorized leave of absence from the DSNY for one tour of duty in the US Navy. 14 years later, I am about to earn a fully-sponsored MBA from Wharton while still serving on active duty and maintaining my position with “New York’s Strongest”.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? In addition to spending time with my wonderful wife and two amazing kids, I’ll be getting my hands dirty helping to make the world a better place. From cleaning the streets of NYC as a sanitation worker to countering weapons of mass destruction in Asia, my career has been anchored in service to others. After my Navy career finishes, I could see myself working on improving aid delivery abroad.