2024 MBA To Watch: Arjun Rao, UC San Diego (Rady)

Arjun Rao

Rady School of Management at UC San Diego

“Deeply fascinated with technology and innovation to improve the human experience.”

Hometown: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Fun fact about yourself: Before coming to Rady for my MBA, I spent some time as a dog trainer.

Undergraduate School and Degree: Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India – BTech. In Computer Science and Engineering

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school? Software Engineer at Oracle Cerner.

Where did you intern during the summer of 2023? Product intern at Publicis Sapient in the Chicago office.

Where will you be working after graduation? Currently seeking employment.

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School: VP of Operations, Rady Student Association; President of the Rady Life Science Club; VP of Communications for the Tech Club at UC San Diego

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school? During my time in business school, the achievement I’m most proud of is securing the runner-up position in the STARTR Rady entrepreneurship accelerator program. Partnering with a PhD student, we transformed an initial idea into a well-researched, viable business concept within just six months of starting school. This experience was the embodiment of my ambition to dive into entrepreneurship, offering a hands-on opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world setting. It wasn’t just an academic or extracurricular achievement; it was a significant step towards realizing my entrepreneurial dreams, making it the most fulfilling part of my business school journey.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? While working as a software engineer at Oracle Cerner, I noticed our product was running slower than it should. I mentioned this to my manager, who encouraged me to find a solution. After some digging, I discovered an old problem in the software that was causing the slowdown. Fixing this problem cut the processing time by 90%. This change not only helped our team but also led other teams to make similar improvements, significantly reducing costs for the company. I’m particularly proud of this because I took the initiative to investigate the issue out of pure curiosity, which ended up making a big difference.

Why did you choose this business school? After completing a nine-month course in design thinking, my new-found passion for innovative problem-solving steered me towards entrepreneurship. However, with my foundation of knowledge rooted in computer science and healthcare technology, I recognized a gap in my understanding of business fundamentals. This realization led me to seek a business school renowned for its entrepreneurial education, making the UC San Diego Rady School of Management an obvious choice. Its high regard in the entrepreneurship field promised not just the knowledge I sought, but also an environment conducive to nurturing my innovative ideas into viable business ventures.

Who was your favorite MBA professor? During my time at Rady, Professor Robert Sanders stood out as my favorite instructor, primarily through my experiences in his market research course. This course offered a deep dive into both the technical aspects and business implications of crafting and executing market research plans. What set Professor Sanders apart was his infectious passion for the subject and his commitment to imparting skills that have direct applicability in the professional world. Moreover, his forward-thinking approach to integrating AI into our curriculum was particularly noteworthy. At a time when AI was emerging but not yet fully recognized for its potential in market research, he foresaw its significance and made its use an essential component of the course. This innovative perspective not only enriched our learning experience but also equipped us with the tools to stay ahead in the evolving field of market research.

What was your favorite course as an MBA? The immersive weekend Negotiations course offered at Rady stands out as my favorite educational experience to date. Over an entire weekend at a hotel, we were fully immersed in a blend of lectures and practical negotiation simulations during the day. This intense, hands-on approach provided a unique learning opportunity that went beyond traditional classroom settings. Equally valuable was the time after sunset, where we had the chance to connect and bond with peers from different cohorts. This mix of rigorous academic engagement and informal social interaction created a truly memorable and enriching learning environment.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school? My favorite MBA event at Rady was undoubtedly the fall quarter orientation mixer and tabling event. This unique tradition offered an immediate and engaging way for all students, especially newcomers, to dive into the school’s vibrant community. It was more than just meeting the incoming class; it was also an opportunity to explore common interests through the various clubs offered. Now, as a leader in several clubs, I enjoy seeing the excitement of new students eager to begin their journey. Reflecting on my own start in the MBA program, this event was instrumental in connecting me with student leaders from previous cohorts, allowing me to learn about their experiences at Rady. This tradition captures the essence of Rady’s community-centric and supportive culture, demonstrating the school’s commitment to developing strong bonds and a collaborative spirit among students from the start.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why?

The only thing that I would do a little differently would be to experience San Diego with a car. I was not able to fully unlock the social benefits of my amazing cohort, as it was difficult to quickly move around the city to meet my peers outside of school.

What is the biggest myth about your school? One of the most pervasive myths about Rady is the notion that all international students hail from Asia—a misconception I encountered before starting my MBA. However, this could not be further from the truth. Rady boasts a diverse international student body from across the globe, spanning various program cohorts. This diversity enriches the learning experience, offering each student the opportunity to engage with a wide array of perspectives.

What surprised you the most about business school? What surprised me the most about business school was the immediacy with which I could immerse myself in the entrepreneurial world and gain hands-on experience. UC San Diego offers a myriad of entrepreneurship-focused programs accessible to nearly all students, providing opportunities to venture into starting a business with the school’s support. Initially, I anticipated a curriculum heavy on theory, supplemented by insights from my MBA peers. However, the reality of being able to engage in real business decision-making through school-supported programs was a revelation, showcasing a practical approach to learning that went beyond my expectations.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? Among my peers, Tomohiro Tsutsui (Tomo) distinguishes himself not just by our shared values, but also by his remarkable background and aspirations. Hailing from Japan, Tomo’s international experience spans several countries, underscored by his fluency in seven languages. Our collaboration during the first three quarters of school fostered a close friendship, deepened by conversations about his family, who serve as his primary motivation to achieve more. Despite having a promising career in Japan, Tomo embraced the challenge of business school to pursue a career change, driven by a desire to enhance his family’s life. His determination and unwavering commitment to his goals are truly inspirational, showcasing his exceptional ability to make bold decisions and follow through with relentless dedication.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

  1. Build a company that creates products to make people happy.
  2. Be a founder of a company that goes to IPO.

What made Arjun such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2024?

“In his role as Vice President of Operations for the Rady Student Association, Arjun has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to enhancing the student experience for all MBA cohorts at Rady. Arjun’s unparalleled engagement, both inside and outside the classroom, has set him apart as a true leader among their peers. Beyond his academic achievements and commitment to the student experience, Arjun played a pivotal role in providing actionable feedback that has contributed to the continuous improvement of our graduate student processes, operations and initiatives. Arjun’s dedication to fostering a strong positive environment aligns with our core values at Rady, making him an outstanding candidate for this distinguished recognition.”

Jon Masciana
Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs