
Mr. Aerospace Sr. Software Developer

About Me:

A software engineer working on the satellite software domain for the Indian Space Research Organisation.


Target School: Tuck

Considering: Stanford GSB, Kellogg SOM

See More Profiles For: Tuck

Application Status: Invited to Interview


Undergrad School: Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology

Undergrad Major: B.Tech in Physical Sciences

GPA: 3.45

GMAT: 740

Age: 32,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Promoted the principles of environmental sustainability among thousands of school students by organizing workshops on practicing sustainability at school and online lectures, preparing the questionnaire, and conducting The Green Olympiad competition annually. | ​​Arrange funds from the Department of Space to enable underprivileged students to participate in various events - National Map Quiz, Cartography Day seminars etc., under the banner of INCA, conduct the zonal round of the quiz annually, and prepare newsletters for the Gujarat branch. | Arranged funds for the event, initiated first of its kind Astronomy related events in a Technology Fest in India, and coordinated with event organisers and participants to conduct the events smoothly.

Work History:

Title: Sr Software Developer

Industry: Aerospace

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 9 yrs, 11 mos

Big Life Wins:

1. Managed a team of software engineers for the development of more than 30 onboard satellite software for various ISRO missions.
2. Arranged a crowd-funding drive to sponsor laptops for eight students coming from economically weaker sections of society in my undergrad college.

Post MBA Goal:

Building upon my professional experience in space tech, I want to work as a product manager in one of the Big Tech firms. I aspire to create affordable technology solutions to challenges such as economic inequality, social security, and poor quality of life.


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The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 42%

  • 5% | 2 years ago

    You've got really impressive work experience and extra currics. However, the odds for a 33 year old with 12 years of work experience at matriculation are generally pretty slim. Given that you come from a highly competitive demographic (Indian-Male-Engineer), it gets even more challenging. A slightly above average GMAT doesn't move the needle too much. One would recommend looking at European programs (IMD/HEC/INSEAD) that value older candidates and more work experience. It would also help they're a little forgiving on test scores and demographics.
  • 45% | 2 years ago

  • 75% | 2 years ago

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