
Mr. Army Officer in Tech

About Me:

Hey everyone! I’m currently an Army Officer stationed in the southern United States applying to the below schools. I’ve had an amazing and impactful experience the last four years but I am ready for change. I hope to bring leadership and people skills to a classroom in the near future!

How can I best leverage my App Development business on my resume/application in conjunction with my veteran status? I’ve taken the GRE 3 times and I’m concerned it’s not high enough to offset my low GPA in regards to my target schools, any advice here?


Target School: Wharton

Considering: Kellogg SOM, Ross, McCombs School of Business, Tepper

See More Profiles For: Wharton

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: U.S. Military Academy

Undergrad Major: Civil Engineering

GPA: 3.1

GRE: 322

Age: 27,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: iOS App Developer (Business Owner) and, Service to School Undergrad Ambassador.

Work History:

Title: Army Artillery Officer

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Army

Length of Employment: 4 yrs

Big Life Wins:

1) I was extremely fortunate to be selected to serve as an operations officer with a special forces unit for a deployment to the Middle East.
2) I am currently using the knowledge gained from my app development business to work with an outside agency to develop workflow management software for the Army.

Post MBA Goal:

I would like to initially land in Austin, TX due to family. Tech appeals to me due to my current business as well as the current product development project I am undertaking at work.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 45%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 45%

    Hi Mr. Army Officer in Tech, this is Kate Richardson with mbaMission. Overall, I’m really impressed by your profile! With your experience as an officer, in a special forces unit, surely that comes with impressive leadership capabilities and ability to rally others from different backgrounds. And on the side, you’ve shown initiative through your app development work, and exposure to the business world which should make your reasons for pursuing an MBA more credible. I would present that separately on your resume, perhaps a military experience section, followed by an entrepreneurial experience section. I think your GRE is high enough to be in range, and your 3.1 is lower than average but your degree was in civil engineering. That GRE / GPA combination will make …

    4 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 49%

  • 25% | 4 years ago

    Hello Mr. Army Officer in Tech! Thanks for posting. Krista from mbaMission here. B-schools LOVE military candidates so this will definitely work in your favor here. Please reach out to all the Vet clubs and ask to chat with current students. Share your profile info and see what they say. You have the BEST and most supportive network there is!! Use it! Your GRE doesn't seem too low but I'd love to know your Quant score. If it's lower than 160, you may want to see what you can do about proving your quantitative ability a bit more for the schools that you are targeting. McCombs and Tepper seems like great options for you so I'm glad you have both on your list. Consider Cornell as well. ...
    Read the full review
  • 100% | 4 years ago

  • 5% | 4 years ago

  • 65% | 4 years ago

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