
Mr. Create Value

About Me:

I am from Uruguay and 26 years old. For more than 6 years, I have been in leadership roles at technology startups in different industries: influencer marketing, education, artificial intelligence. I also have experience in business development, marketing, and digital products.
Studying for my BA, I was ranked 2nd out of 139 graduates in the same study program in the previous three years.


Target School: NYU Stern

Considering: Stanford GSB, UCLA Anderson, Darden, Duke Fuqua

See More Profiles For: NYU Stern

Application Status:


Undergrad School: ORT University

Undergrad Major: Communication

GPA: 3.7

GMAT: 710

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino

Extracurriculars: Mentor for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses in Uruguay: During 2020, I created a program to help local businesses undergo COVID-19, Communication Consultant: For a local NGO that fights food insecurity in Uruguay, Jury at WINA Festival 2021: World Independent Advertising Awards.

Work History:

Title: Business Developer Manager

Industry: Technology

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 7 mos

Title: Director of Ops and Partner

Industry: Marketing

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 8 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Developed large-scale regional marketing campaigns for Mercado Libre, Adidas, Pepsi, PedidosYa (Delivery Hero), Buenos Aires City Government, Uber, Santander, Jeep, and others.
– Created a social impact program to promote girl participation in STEM education in Uruguay, and raised U$S 150,000 from public and private parties to support the initiative.

Post MBA Goal:

Learn from the best. Take the MBA mindset from a top Bschool and apply it to create value and create good through entrepreneurship. I am looking to develop better interdisciplinary skills, a problem-solving-focused mindset, enhance my business/finance abilities, and become a better leader.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 30%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 30%

    Hi Mr. Create Value,
    It sounds like you are making quite an impact at your firm! This is Debbie Choy from mbaMission and GSB alum. I think you have a lot of strengths in your profile – strong academics and significant leadership experiences both at work and within your community. Your GMAT is a shade below the average at Stern but I think your other profile strengths can offset the score. I like that you have taken the initiative in a lot of different areas – from helping small businesses during COVID to promoting female participation in STEM education. As you put your apps together, be sure to articulate what drives you to do all these things, eg. how do they tie together? What motivates your …

    3 years ago Read the full review

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