
Mr. Operator

About Me:

I am currently CFO/VP ops for a boutique EPC firm looking to switch into a consulting or investment role related to distressed investments.


Target School: Kellogg SOM

Considering: MIT Sloan

See More Profiles For: Kellogg SOM

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Queen's (Canada)

Undergrad Major: Engineering Physics

GPA: 4.17/4.3

GMAT: 740

Age: 29,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: TA during undergrad

Work History:

Title: CFO/VP Ops

Industry: Engineering

Company: Other

Length of Employment: 6 yrs, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

Started in R&D at a boutique EPC firm. Moved to PM and then to finance role. Led financial/operational restructuring of firm. Established foreign office subsidiary in Europe.

Post MBA Goal:

Turnaround consulting or distressed fund.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 20%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi, it’s Nisha from mbaMission. You’ve got solid academics and an intriguing career path within the EPC firm. I’d like to understand more about your career goals, though – why are you interested in turnaround consulting or a distressed fund? Also, since you’ll have to choose 1 path for the purpose of your application, I’d go with consulting since it’s a more realistic post-MBA goal (funds are generally seeking banking experience, so if you’re really leaning towards this path, you can state IB as your post-MBA goal and the fund as your long-term goal). In any case, you’ll want to fully explain the motivation behind your goals.

    Kellogg especially values leadership and collaboration, and Sloan innovation, so you’ll want to convey in …

    4 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi Mr. Operator, Melisa here from Stratus Admissions. Sounds like you have reaped the benefits of your boutique experience by gaining experience across the organization and increasing your level of responsibility. Your stats are sound with good work experience/leadership, GMAT/GPA. And your short term goals are realistic with consulting, and maybe a bit more ambitious depending upon the type of fund you are looking at. IB is very viable, but generally PE/hedge funds are looking for post-MBA grads with either consulting or IB experience – maybe this is a next step for you. For your Kellogg application, you will need to pick one, MIT is a bit more open to you investigating multiple options. Which leads me to your opportunities: long term goal and community …

    4 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 69%

  • 65% | 4 years ago

  • 60% | 4 years ago

  • 50% | 4 years ago

  • 95% | 4 years ago

  • 75% | 4 years ago

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