A Happy Dance After Scoring 750 On A GMAT Practice Test by: Mango on August 05, 2011 | 1,519 Views August 5, 2011 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit I am dancing around my living room at the moment. After a long day at work, I decided to head over to visit home. My sweet mom offered to cook dinner for me during the final countdown week to G-Day – she refused to let me subsist on microwave dinners and take-out, and I have a hard time turning down a home cooked meal or food of any kind. After my CAT exam performance this weekend, I resolved to keep practicing and to not be disappointed. So I went home, took a nap for an hour, reviewed the problems I missed on the last CAT exam, ate dinner, and sat down on my computer to take yet another timed practice test. Working through the test, I felt the same familiar panicky feeling setting on as once again, I was running out of time on quant. I took some deep breaths and grudgingly moved on to take my best guess at some questions when I realized I wasn’t going to be able to solve the answer in less than 3 minutes. When it came to Verbal, I decided to take my time and went through each question slowly. Before, I usually had 5-7 minutes left, but this time, I resolved to stare at the screen until I was absolutely confident in my answer. After what seemed like forever for the exam, down to the last second in quant and with a minute left in verbal, I finally finished, feeling dread at seeing my quant scores. The result? A 750 with a 48 quant score and a 45 verbal score! Emotions: shock, happiness, hope, relief. Can this be replicated on G-Day with the addition of the experimental section and AWA? Was it because I was well-fed and rested and wearing pajama pants? Or because on the bus ride to work this morning and home, I poured through the MGMAT Sentence Correction book instead of playing Angry Birds? Whatever the reason, I’m intent on keeping it up in my next practice exams and hopefully that will transfer over to the real thing. Going to catch some sleep…but I feel like I have a renewed energy for the next four days leading into G-Day! Still dancing, Mango Mango is a consultant in the Pacific Northwest who is applying to business schools so she would graduate in the Class of 2014. This report is adapted from her blog posts at Por qué MBA? One Girl’s MBA Application Journey! Her previous posts on Poets&Quants: Introducing Mango and her pursuit of a seat in the Class of 2014 Why I’m Applying to Business School Applying to B-School Is a Marathon–Not a Sprint Making a Date with GMAT Breaking 700 on the Third GMAT Practice Test The GMAT Test Is a Beast!