Best Places To Study Business Abroad

The Best Places to Study Business Abroad (Continued)

Louvain School of Management

Louvain School of Management

Belgium (Louvain School of Management)

“Teaching methods can be very different, so be prepared and work hard.  Louvain uses a traditional method of teaching where the professor gives a formal lecture and the students are required to take notes and review them for a final exam which normally carries a significant weight in the final grade. I had become quite accustomed to the case method at Ivey, including contribution as well as case exams. As a result, it was initially difficult to switch to this method. So double the effort that you normally would to complete work, and find a learning style that suits you.”

-Asha Vyas

“Belgian students can be very untidy and noisy. At the same time they seem very easy going and social, but for some international students this might be a cultural shock. For example, I think I would have a problem living in a house that is constantly disorganised and loud.”

– Anne Margrethe Vik

“Don’t be scared by the French/Dutch language conflict. Belgian people are open-minded and have a pretty good level of English, which will make your stay easier.”

– Tristan Delannoy

Sao Paulo, Brazil (EAESP-FGV)

“Learn to appreciate that this is not your country and things happen differently here. Brazil isn’t efficient. Since my arrival here all I have done is lost time. Nothing here happens fast, if at all. This is understandable when you consider the sheer mass of people that live here (Sao Paulo has the population of all Australia). You will have many T.I.B. (This Is Brazil) moments when simple problems are over complicated by bureaucracy and a lack of common sense.”

– Edward Dostine

“Be prepared for a loud and tactile nation. People here are anything other than quiet. The first days at campus you will think, “Why does this building have such bad acoustics?” But after visiting other places you realize that people do not talk, they shout. And it’s not just the talking that’s loud, in Brazil cars horns are used as frequently as the breaks. Personal space seems non-existent, and it is common to touch another person during a conversation. Kissing on the cheek is a must. The latter is easy to get used to. This also makes the Brazilian people very open, so it is easy to make friends in Brazil.”

– Rasmus Bonde Greis



Beijing, China (Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management)

“Chinese opportunities: to win it. To win in China is the target. According to some exchange students, I know that they want to get internships in China or even get full-time jobs in the Asia region. In my opinion, if they can prepare more knowledge about the hot industries in China, the global companies’ branches in China and the international institutions in China, they will have more chance to win in Asian region as they want.”

– Eve Bian

“Almost every payment is made by cash. For example, you cannot do a bank transfer to pay your rent. Thus, you will probably only use your bank card to withdraw cash.  Be very careful with the transaction fees.”

– Madeleine Brown

“Be assertive with questions and follow up with teachers again and again. Many of the teachers also can’t answer you directly and tend to pass off the question to another staff member who is more ‘senior’. Also you will not find out any marks or grades until at least three months after the semester ends.”

– Madeleine Brown

Copenhagen, Denmark (Copenhagen Business School)

“Danes love their bikes, and there are more bikes than inhabitants in Copenhagen. Even though the winter is cold and snowy 50% of the inhabitants commute on their bike daily. So get a bike as the first thing when you are doing your semester in Copenhagen. The facilities are excellent and safe and it is often the fastest way to get from A to B, along with the efficiency then you get free exercise daily. However, it is important to follow the rules, do not turn right when the light is red, it can easily cost you 100 euros, and do keep right so people can pass you.”

– Madeleine Brown

“Denmark is expensive. Many tourists and expats will notice this, as one of the first things: the cost of living in Copenhagen is high. Restaurant prices for a three-course-dinner at a midrange restaurant will easily cost you 100-120 USD, a metro ticket 5$, a pint at a pub 10$, a McDonalds combo meal 12$ and a liter of milk 1,1$…Thankfully are there plenty of ways to cut costs, here are few tips: Remember to return bottles and beer cans, you get between 20 and 50 US cents per unit. Shop in discount stores like Netto, Fakta, Aldi, Lidl and Rema. Do not pay with international credit cards, many store charge large fees. Finally explore the many free possibilities that Copenhagen offers. NB: Denmark does not use Euro, but Danish Krone. 1 Euro = 7,45 Kroner.”

– Madeleine Brown



Helsinki, Finland (Aalto University School of Business)

“Finland has two official languages: Finnish and Swedish. This is reflected in everything from road names to food product labels. Being a small country, Finns in general speak foreign languages well. Moreover, all Master’s level courses are in English, so incoming students will not have difficulties because of the language.”

– Patrik Akrenius and Sara Montonen

Paris France (HEC Paris)

“Learn basic French. One would think that the most visited country in the world would have developed strong language skills over the years. All wrong. Even in Paris. Most of the people you will meet in the streets will have a limited knowledge of foreign languages, and you might have a hard time trying to make yourself understood…However if you at least try to speak French, people will gladly help you, answer your questions, and might even give you some tips to progress in French.”

– Anthony Solaire

“Be prepared for a very practical teaching style. As opposed to other European schools that put a lot of emphasis on theory, HEC Paris aims at making its students ready to work in a company. As a consequence, we are very close to the corporate world, which is really enjoyable, especially when undertaking business projects.”

Eiffel Tower in Paris

Eiffel Tower in Paris

– Mathilde Louis

“Be ready for last minute changes. It is not uncommon in France to notify class time changes only the day before. For some students it is hard to cope with a sudden change. Visiting students should bear this in mind, and be prepared to alter their plans.”

– Jungae Hosoya


Hong Kong, China (HKUST)

“From an academic standpoint, HKUST places a strong focus on cultural differences between Asia and the west and provides a great perspective on “doing business in Asia.”

– Sina Vaziri

“Finding accommodation in Hong Kong is very difficult. The rent in Hong Kong is outrageous, so get started as soon as possible to find more affordable options.”

– Jungae Hosoya