The New Faculty Faces At The Top Business Schools

Cornell’s Johnson School landed an impressive nine new faculty members with 24 years of experience. Cornell also had arguably one of the biggest hires this year in Christopher Marquis as the Samuel C. Johnson Professor of Sustainable Global Enterprise. Marquis had spent a decade at Harvard Business School, where he’d moved up to associate professor of business administration. Before Harvard and earning his PhD from the University of Michigan, Marquis had been a VP at JPMorgan Chase. The other big snag for Cornell Johnson was Li Chen, a former associate professor at Duke Fuqua.

NYU Stern School of Business hired seven new faculty members with a combined 29 years of teaching experience. The biggest score for Stern was the hiring of former Duke Fuqua professor, Andrew Patton and Petra Moser, previously from Stanford’s GSB. Both have more than a decade of teaching experience. Patton also taught at the London School of Economics and Moser was at MIT Sloan before Stanford.