Best Free MOOCs In Business For August

Fundraising: How to Connect with Donors

School: Philanthropy University

Platform: NovoEd

Registration Link: REGISTER HERE

Start Date: August 2, 2016 (7 Weeks)

Workload: 2-3 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Dr. Thomas Wolf

Credentials: Dr. Wolf has spent nearly 50 years in philanthropy, including over 30 years at WolfBrown, an international fundraiser that he founded. During that time, the firm has helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for various cultural, entertainment, educational, and philanthropic organizations, such as the St. Louis Zoo, Smithsonian Institution, and the Children’s Defense Fund. Holding a doctorate from Harvard, Wolfe has authored several books, including How To Connect With Donors and Double the Money You Raise — the inspiration for this course.

Graded: Students can earn a statement of accomplishment by completing five weekly assignments and a final project.

Description: For Dr. Wolf, fundraising starts with building relationships. In particular, that means engaging donors by “identify(ing) common interests, listen(ing), and show(ing) gratitude.” In this course, students will focus more on the personal touches than the metrics inherent to fundraising. Using a mixture of lecture videos, readings, and real-world experiences, Wolf will teach both common fundraising practices and small wrinkles that can only be learned from years of successful experience. In particular, students will learn how to both build one-on-one people skills and develop broader segment strategies. The course will culminate with a final project where students either author a grant proposal or run their own capital campaign.

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