The ABCs Of Recruiting At Harvard Business School

HBS photo

News from Harvard Business School

“C? RC? Aldrich? What’s an Aldrich?

“Every organization has their own acronyms and jargon and HBS is no exception. If you are new to recruiting at HBS let us provide an HBS to English dictionary to get you acclimated to terms you’ll see on our website and on campus.

“Before we kick off the ABCs, let us introduce ourselves. We are HBS CPD – Harvard Business School Career & Professional Development.

“A – Aldrich. Aldrich Hall is one of our main academic buildings where most MBA classes are held. If you are participating in an on-campus presentation it will likely be held in Aldrich Hall.

“B – Bidding. Bidding is an opportunity for first year students interviewing for internships to get onto your On-Campus Interview schedule if they have not been invited to interview. This concept may seem odd at first, but 80% of our students are career switchers. You may find that a student who isn’t an exact fit on paper is the ideal candidate for the job when you meet them in person. Each year companies hire students who were on their interview schedule through bidding.

“C – Company Conversations. You might know Company Conversations as Coffee Chats at other MBA schools. These 1:1 or small group meetings are a great way to connect with students and get to know them on a personal level. Company Conversations can be invite-only or open for any student to sign up.”

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Seated, left to right: Swati Patel WG18, founder and former president; Sorina Codrea WG18, former vice president. Standing: Anuj Khandelwal WG19, president; Johnny Hammond WG19, vice president; Brian Bunyard WG18, former VP of operations; Amy Lee WG18, former VP of marketing. Photo: Colin Lenton

On A Mission To Make Finance Personal

News from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania 

“Financial literacy remains a key challenge for both developing and developed economies. Ten years after the 2008 crisis, many people continue to grapple with an array of personal finance matters amid a fragmented educational landscape. While the lack of mandatory, standardized curriculum within the traditional schooling system contributes to the chaos, there is a growing consensus on the need to improve financial knowledge.

“In the fall of 2016, I pitched an idea to Michael Roberts, William H. Lawrence professor of finance, and Howard Kaufold W75, vice dean of the MBA program and adjunct professor of finance. With their support, Common Cents was founded as a Wharton initiative to empower and educate MBA students on personal finance. By gauging students’ interests each year, Common Cents ensures that programming addresses relevant knowledge gaps and remains topical. Workshops and discussions are conversational rather than academic, to increase engagement and participation. For example, as a service to students who were thinking of buying a home, Common Cents invited classmates who were homeowners or rental property owners to share their knowledge about and experiences with the residential real estate market.

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The Countries Getting The Highest Return On Education

News from INSEAD

“In measuring performance in education or healthcare, societies often mistakenly focus on inputs rather than outcomes. That is, it is common to erroneously measure success by counting the resources devoted to it. But expenditures do not equal success. Indeed, societies would like to spend – for an equivalent outcome – as little as possible.

“The United States is the global leader in dollars spent per student in tertiary education, yet its students rank 42nd globally on the GMAT, a standardised test used primarily for admission to post-graduate schooling. There is a similar disconnect between inputs and outputs for the PISA, a test administered by the OECD to a broad sample of 15-year-old students. Luxembourg spends the most in absolute terms per student in the primary and secondary stages of education, yet ranks 32nd on the PISA. If expenditures were calibrated against the size of the economy, the global leader in education would be Botswana.”

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Check Out Some Of The Most Popular Michigan Ross MBA Courses

News from University of Michigan Ross School of Business

“From product development to advanced skills with data analytics, the courses Michigan Ross MBA students are lining up to take this year cover a broad range of interdisciplinary topics and skills.

“Here are some of the courses that have the most Ross MBA student interest this academic year, and the ones they’ll be talking about long after they graduate.”

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Keep An Eye On The Road Ahead When Estimating Cost Of Equity Capital

News from Notre Dame University Mendoza College of Business

“Estimating investment returns is tricky — especially, to paraphrase an old Danish saying, when dealing with the future.

“Still, it comes with the territory when you’re a financial manager tasked with evaluating the capital investment opportunities that will drive your firm’s strategies and determining which ones will maximize returns. One of the standard tools of the trade is cost of equity capital estimation (COEC). While this estimate strongly influences corporate capital budgeting decisions, exactly how it’s calculated and what assumptions drive the estimate can vary.”

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