
Mr. Hedge Fund

About Me:

Dual U.S. and U.K. citizen with 4+ years of work experience at a top quantitative hedge fund, which is a feeder for top b-schools. Roles have included project management and risk management. Obtained the Project Management Professional certification (PMP). During undergrad, I spent a year studying abroad at the London School of Economics.


Target School: Harvard

Considering: Wharton, Columbia, Yale, NYU Stern

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Villanova

Undergrad Major: Economics

GPA: 3.8

GMAT: 740

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: Volunteer at local Boys & Girls club helping underprivileged kids gain financial literacy; created and led educational workshops, and helped grow the program from pilot to full time program, Chair of department-wide philanthropic committee at work; led initiatives that raised over $4k for charity.

Work History:

Title: Associate

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 4 yrs

Big Life Wins:

Overcame serious illnesses and surgeries that caused me to miss a substantial amount of school growing up. Ever since then I have been working to reach my full academic and professional potential.

Post MBA Goal:

To get a job as a strategy/business analyst at top HF or PE firm.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 22%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • MBA Prep School | Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi Mr. Hedge Fund, Kristen from MBA Prep School here. I agree that you check a lot of boxes for HBS, as well as your other target schools. They will eat up the hedge fund experience, community involvement, strong academics, and personal perseverance. The key for you will be tying all of that up into a cohesive narrative that also delivers on the “Why”: why MBA, why HBS, why now. This is likely the most challenging part of the application for a candidate such as yourself, because on paper you have everything going for you. While HBS’ prompt doesn’t limit you on word count, the strongest essays tell a connected story piecing together the various aspects of the candidate’s background and career goals. This is …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 25%

    As a new Billions binge watcher, I hope you don’t identify with Bobby Axelrod, the CEO of Axe Capital. If so, your chances of getting into HBS are zero. Seriously, though, you are looking at a big hill to climb at HBS this coming year. With a GMAT score ten points above the HBS class median and an undergraduate GPA of 3.8 that is slightly higher than the class average of 3.7, you might wonder why. Mainly it’s because the 2020-2021 admissions cycle at HBS will be among the most competitive ever. We expect a record volume of applications, partly due to the recession, pent-up demand, along with 2+2 admits and roughly 300 deferrals that will take up available classroom seats. Still, you have a …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi Mr Hedge Fund, Melisa here from Stratus Admissions. As John mentioned, we believe, HBS is going to be even more competitive this upcoming year. And you have a solid profile that will be attractive to HBS – so you want to make sure that your application stands out among other Finance guys. The fact that you bring hedge fund experience to the class is a plus and your leadership in the community. But what is unique about you – your authentic story of why you need an MBA? While I know it can be looked at as a stepping stone to move up in the finance world – it needs to be more than that to you. Where do you need to grow …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 42%

  • 75% | 5 years ago

  • 20% | 5 years ago

    Hi Mr. Hedge Fund, Kristen from MBA Prep School here. I agree that you check a lot of boxes for HBS, as well as your other target schools. They will eat up the hedge fund experience, community involvement, strong academics, and personal perseverance. The key for you will be tying all of that up into a cohesive narrative that also delivers on the "Why": why MBA, why HBS, why now. This is likely the most challenging part of the application for a candidate such as yourself, because on paper you have everything going for you. While HBS' prompt doesn't limit you on word count, the strongest essays tell a connected story piecing together the various aspects of the candidate's background and career goals. This is ...
    Read the full review
  • 25% | 5 years ago

  • 20% | 5 years ago

  • 50% | 5 years ago

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