
Mr. Late Bloomer

About Me:

Hello! Though I’m an EA, I pretty much run a manufacturing unit of 18 members and I am an engineer now being exposed to different areas of business. My previous jobs were confined solely to engineering so this has been an eye opener. Thanks in advance for your reviews.


See More Profiles For: Rice Business

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Anna University

Undergrad Major: Mechanical Engineering

GPA: 7.7

GRE: 325

Age: 28,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Recently joined a Toastmasters club to improve communication skills.

Work History:

Title: Executive Assistant to CEO

Industry: Manufacturing

Company: Other

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Title: Asst. Manager

Industry: Manufacturing

Company: Other

Length of Employment: 3 yrs

Post MBA Goal:

Work in a rotational program with a manufacturing or FMCG company. Get back to India after a few years to start something on my own in the manufacturing domain.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 57%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Odds Assessment: 70%

    Hi! This is JP from The MBA Exchange. Your profile looks very familiar as I’ve guided a number of similar applicants over the last ten years, especially in Asia. There are many encouraging factors about your profile. The fact that you’ve been exposed to different areas of business, and realize the value of understanding them, will be highly respected by the Admissions Committees! They know from experience that such people make for great MBA students willing to learn (and share). Secondly, manufacturing is often under-represented in MBA programs. This will give you an edge as an applicant. You would be seen as an asset if you can demonstrate that you are able to share your professional experiences …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 50%

    Hello Mr. Late Bloomer! I’m very intrigued by the name! Krista Nannery from mbaMission here. I’m very intrigued by your school list and how you narrowed things down to Jones, McCombs, and NUS. I think they are all great choices for you but I am curious just the same.
    One thing you mention is that post-MBA, you want to get back to India in a “few years.” If that’s the case, I want you to really look at the STEM-certified MBA programs so you have a better shot of staying in the US post MBA. There are different lists online so you’ll have to poke around a bit to make sure you’ve caught everyone.
    The other thing I want you to do is download the employment reports …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 50%

    Mr. Late Bloomer, it’s Lisa Cummings of Stratus Admissions, a former adcomm at MIT Sloan. When read your name I thought you’d perhaps be a more seasoned applicant looking for an EMBA. Don’t worry, 27 is the age of most MBA students. Perhaps you mean you have just started to focus on your goals? You aren’t late to that party either. As you describe it in your blurb, your manufacturing and engineering background could be a real draw for Jones or other programs, you will need to carefully craft your story for your target schools using language that will resonate with them. That should include details about your leadership skills and the impact you have had at work. You …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 42%

  • 40% | 5 years ago

  • 35% | 5 years ago

  • 50% | 5 years ago

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