
Mr. Military Black Belt

About Me:

In earlier years, I had poor academic performance but the military has helped mold me into a more driven individual. After graduation, I sought to personally develop myself. I worked and gained my PMP certification and a black belt in Lean Six Sigma. In preparation for a MBA program, I am currently taking UC Berkley Extension’s Math for Management.


Target School: Tuck

Considering: Tepper, Cornell Johnson, Georgetown McDonough

See More Profiles For: Tuck

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of Albany

Undergrad Major: International Relations

GPA: 2.4

GRE: 331

Age: 32,  Ethnicity: Black or African American

Other Degree/Certification: PMP

School Name: PMI

Extracurriculars: Habitat for Humanity

Work History:

Title: Company Commander

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Army

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 7 mos

Title: Operations Officer

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Army

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 4 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Company command since I enjoy directly working and developing with individuals
– Military outstanding volunteer service medal as recognition my volunteer work at Habitat for Humanity, but also after the award ceremony I saw an increase of Soldiers interested in joining
– Meritorious Service Medal

Post MBA Goal:

– Short Term: Consulting (Operations or Management) or General Management
– Long Term: Product Management


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