Dumping His GMAT Study Books on Amazon by: Mark Wong on April 26, 2011 | 1,598 Views April 26, 2011 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit Six months after taking the test, I’ve finally sold all of my GMAT books to Amazon. Selling these books was just one of those tasks that was difficult to prioritize with essays and interviews hanging over my head. I now no longer have that stack of GMAT books sitting in my apartment staring back at me. Initially, I created a Craigslist ad to try and offload my books. The problem with this strategy was that there was a ton of competition in my area. People were offering the exact same thing I had (MGMAT Strategy Guides + Official Guide Books) for $100 or less. I failed to get anyone to bite. Anyway, as I was perusing Amazon a few weeks ago, I noticed they had a textbook buyback program that included the MGMAT books. Note that the end date to this offer is May 31 of this year. I buy from Amazon at least once a month, so getting Amazon credit for my books is as good as cash. You’ll see that for most of the books, I only got a small fraction of the retail cost. However, for the MGMAT Strategy Guides, Amazon was willing to pay $78 for a product that had a retail listing of $114. That’s almost 70% for books I’ve had out for nearly a year. I was a little concerned about returning the MGMAT Strategy Guide set because each book has a different ISBN, which are all different from the one that Amazon has listed on the product page. This week I got confirmation that my trade-in was accepted, so don’t worry if the ISBNs aren’t exactly the same – as long as you have the right books and the right edition you should be fine. This post is adapted from Random Wok, a blog written by Mark Wong from Silicon Valley. You can read all of his posts at Random Wok. Selected posts by Wong at PoetsandQuants: Why I Want an MBA Climbing the GMAT Mountain: 630 to 710 on a Practice Test Do Consultants Have An Unfair Edge Over Other Applicants? Falling Behind & Stressed Out My New Critical Reasoning Strategy Figuring Out My Odds of Getting Into Harvard, Stanford, Wharton With My GMAT Classes Over, It’s Now Just Me and the Test Making a GMAT Test Taker Feel Like A Complete Pansy With a Month to Go Before His GMAT Test, It’s Time to Focus Is The GMAT Really Designed To Break You? I Took the GMAT Today and Rocked It! Charting All My GMAT Scores Over Time With Lessons After Scoring My 750, It’s Now All About Applying MBA Applications Wisdom from Muhammad Ali Facing A Gauntlet of Round Two Deadlines Should Everyone Apply to Harvard Business School? The Final Click Is The Hardest Click: Sending In My Application A Punch to the Gut: Bad Reviews On His Draft Essays MBA Essay Writing: Draining the Life Out of Me Beginning to Realize You Can Never Write The Perfect MBA Essay With Wharton and UCLA Apps Done, He Feels Like a Zombie Taking Back His Life After Sacrificing Health, Time & Sanity Slammed with Business School Spam Thanks to GMAC Getting an Invite for An Interview from Berkeley’s Haas School UCLA’s Anderson School Asks Our Blogger To Interview A Ding From Harvard Business School After a Harvard Ding, Good News in a Cryptic Email from Wharton Another Ding: First Harvard, Now Berkeley’s Haas School Says No Surviving the Wait Game Why I’m Going to Get an MBA Attending UCLA’s Admit Weekend Navigating the Realities of the Wait List