Top Feeder Colleges to Chicago Booth

Top Feeder Colleges to Chicago Booth Estimated % of

Class of 2013

Estimated Number

in Class of 2013

Number Found

in Facebook

1. Northwestern University Evanston, IL 4.2% 24 20
2. Duke University Durham, NC 3.0% 17 14
2. Indian Institute of Tech Various locations in India 3.0% 17 14
3. UC-Berkeley Berkeley, CA 2.5% 15 12
3. University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 2.5% 15 12
6. Georgetown Washington, DC 2.3% 13 11
7. University of Chicago Chicago, IL 2.1% 12 10
8. Yale University New Haven, CT 1.9% 11 9
8. University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 1.9% 11 9
10. University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 1.7% 10 8
11. Harvard University Boston, MA 1.5% 9 7
11. University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 1.5% 9 7
11. Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 1.5% 9 7
14. Brown University Providence, RI 1.3% 7 6
14. Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA 1.3% 7 6
14. Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 1.3% 7 6
14. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, IL 1.3% 7 6
14. University of Notre Dame South Bend, IN 1.3% 7 6
14. Princeton University Princeton, NJ 1.3% 7 6
14. UCLA Los Angeles, CA 1.3% 7 6
14. University of Texas Austin, TX 1.3% 7 6
22. Fudan University Shanghai, China 1.1% 6 5
22. Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 1.1% 6 5
22. MIT Cambridge, MA 1.1% 6 5
22. University of Georgia Athens, GA 1.1% 6 5
22. Washington University St. Louis, MO 1.1% 6 5
22. Yonsei University Seoul, Korea 1.1% 6 5
28. Boston University Boston, MA 0.8% 5 4
28. Brigham Young University Provo, UT 0.8% 5 4
28. Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 0.8% 5 4
28. Columbia University New York, NY 0.8% 5 4
28. National Univ. of Singapore Singapore 0.8% 5 4
28. New York University New York, NY 0.8% 5 4
28. Ohio State University Columbus, OH 0.8% 5 4
28. Stanford University Palo Alto, CA 0.8% 5 4
28. Tufts University Medford, MA 0.8 5 4

Source: These numbers are calculated from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business Class of 2013 Facebook page. There are some 545 members of the Facebook group. After eliminating members who are not in the Class of 2013, the undergraduate backgrounds of 474 students of the incoming class of 575 was verified by Poets&Quants using Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sources. The sample size represents 82.4% of the entire class, an exceptionally high sample size. The estimate of students from a specific school are based on the percentage of the confirmed sample who have come from that university.

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